Words of Wisdom


Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay
Diversity Topic


Diversity means so many different things to different people. It could relate to gender, race, music, food, people or any number of things. When I think of diversity it brings to mind my childhood. I grew up in a very culturally diverse neighborhood. Living in close proximity, going to school and having friends of different cultures and races has afforded me a greater appreciation for people and life in general.

Imagine living in a place where there are people who are from Africa, Puerto Rico, Greece, Haiti, India, Poland, and a host of other places; you learn a lot. It taught me that even though someone is not the same as me, we can still be friends and live in the same neighborhood. Just because someone does not look like me, dress like me and they don’t have the same beliefs does not make them less than. Despite our cultural differences, we still have some things in common. If we just took the time to get to know people from other cultures we begin to see a lot of things that we may not have known.

We open many doors when we see things from another person’s point of view. Most of us can say that we are a product of our environment. We learn what we see and hear in our everyday surroundings. If you dare to go outside of that, people think that you have sold out and are not down.

In my opinion, diversity means acceptance and understanding. When we accept that everyone is different we have a better understanding of how the world works. Today I focused on diversity as it relates to people. I will explore other types of diversity in a later post. I challenge you to learn something new about a different ethnic group or person.

What does diversity mean to you?

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay