Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

The Season for Celebration

The Season for Celebration

**1/7/24 post updated: The Hannukah celebration by the Jewish community is not widely celebrated due to security reasons. The current state of affairs of the war, in no way is meant to imply that the Jewish community is the cause. My sincerest apologies to every and anyone who may have been offended. **

The time of year is here. The season of celebration, thankfulness, giving, family and reflection. We have all heard of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Kwanzaa. Among those, people also celebrate Diwali and Three Kings Day. I know there are other celebrations being had across the world. Hannukah is a celebration by the Jewish community. Unfortunately, due to the current state of war these may not be celebrated as widely, because of security reasons.

The point I am getting to, is that no matter what part of the country you live, we all have something to celebrate and be thankful for. The world is not perfect but we can all find at least one thing that is worthy of celebration.


Family is a reason to be thankful. We do not always see eye-to-eye and agree on things, but family is a good reason to be thankful. Maybe, this time of year family can bury the hatchet and squash old beefs in the name of renewal for the new year. Release the weight and be free from the hold. You will feel so much better and be glad that you did.


Celebrate health. If you are ambulatory and have full use of your limbs, celebrate that. You might be thinking, so what that’s nothing to celebrate. Just think if you couldn’t walk on your own. Having to depend on others to do for you. You will appreciate the use of those legs to drive a car, go to work, play with your small children. Taking a walk or even exercising.


Love is a reason to celebrate. If you are coupled up, whether you are married or have a boo. Celebrate that love. Whatever that thing is that brought you together, reflect on it and celebrate in your own way.

The Season for Celebration

Every culture has their holiday rituals and traditions. If you are not in a celebratory mood, try to get out of that funk. It won’t be easy but find a reason to smile. If you haven’t been practicing your religion, go back to that. If you haven’t talked to your friends/family in a while, do that. The things that bring a smile to your face and make you feel good inside, revisit that.


Let me not forget the season for giving. It is not always about money. Give someone a smile or a compliment. If someone asks for your advice, give them true and sound advice. Hug yourself and say something nice. If you do participate in giving for the holiday season, give with a whole heart and not expect anything in return.


Losing a Pet is Losing Family

Losing a pet feels just like losing family. As I see it, pets are family too. They have their own personalities, they bring us joy and happiness, they chew or scratch on things that they shouldn’t, but we still love them anyway.

Tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary of my dog’s death. His name was Max and on June 14, 2021; he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was a short-haired, Red, Dachshund. It is hard to believe that he is gone, and it still hurts. Max was a senior dog and he developed health problems as he got older.

People say that he was just an animal. Well, anyone who has lost a dog, cat or other pet knows different. He was more than just an animal he was family. Max brought me many years of happiness and companionship. He made me smile and laugh. At times, he was messy and I would get upset, but I would take care of him all over again!

Max used to dance with me. When he was younger, he would lay on his back and wait for his belly to be rubbed. That was one of his favorite things. He also liked to “kill” the squeaker out of his toys. It would take him under 10 minutes to get the squeaker out of his toys. He loved that and I enjoyed watching him. He was so intense. Max also loved to snuggle under his blankets.

Dachshunds are small dogs but they are brave. Max was never afraid of dogs that were 2-3 times his size. He was a great protector too. He protected his people and his home. Also, if you know about his breed of dog, they are very vocal. Dachshunds will make themselves known and if anyone walked up to the door, they knew he was there. His bark sounded like he was a big dog and people would be surprised to see that he was so little.

Max and His Extended Family

Max also had neighbors, Mister and Celie; they were Dachshunds too. The three of them would talk to each other by the fence in the backyard. Max would go over to the fence looking for either Mister or Celie. Sadly, they have crossed the Rainbow Bridge too. I understand what their family is feeling during this time of loss. Listen to them during one of their “talks” at the fence.

Saying Goodbye

It is very hard to say goodbye to the fur babies in our lives. They enrich our lives in so many ways. We also help them and make their lives better too. Max is definitely missed but I know that he is no longer in pain. I focus on all the good times we had together to get over him not being here.