Diversity Info Topic Words of Wisdom

Focus on Finance for Women’s History Month

Focus on Finance for Women’s History Month

Homeownership is one of the staples of the American dream. You work hard, you save money and pay bills on time. So, why is the purchase of a home out of reach for some people? It is partly due to the banking industry and unfair lending practices. Also, this is attributed to bad consumer credit and lack of funds.

We are living in times of inflation; again. It makes it hard to stay on top of basic living expenses and amenities. However, in spite of inflation homeownership is achievable. So is good credit. We can start by trying to reduce our debt-to-income ratio. This is one of the factors banks use in the application approval process. Lowering debt-to-income ratio means to have more money coming in than going out. Many times we spend more and save and/or invest less.

Paying bills on time also boosts credit scores. If you are in the market to make a home purchase, you may want to pull your credit report. By doing so, you have the opportunity to check for accuracy and any errors that may be preventing you from obtaining a loan. Also, you can assess what accounts you need to pay off. Correcting errors on your credit report takes a little effort, but it is within your power to change it in the best interest of your financial future.

Did you know? It wasn’t until the early 70s that women were allowed to purchase property in their own name. In years before that, a women could not own property without her husband co-signing.

Homeownership is lacking within minority communities. That brings me to the Focus on Finance for Women’s History Month. Benaisha Poole-Watson fits the theme of ‘Women Telling Our Stories’. She is a catalyst in the real estate market and understands the challenges. Being the owner of Prime One Home Loans, she not only owns the bank but helps to educate about building wealth. She has created solutions for people who are having hardship with obtaining a home loan.

To add to that, she is also a military veteran. She has served in the United States Air Force. Mrs. Poole-Watson, among many other African American women, have broken down the barrier of women serving in the military. Let’s salute Benaisha Poole-Watson for her contribution to the country through her military service. Also, for opening doors and creating change and help in obtaining real estate.

Did you know? At one time, women were not allowed to serve in the military outside of kitchen and domestic duties.

Focus on finance for women’s history month and learn more about the inspiration of Benaisha Poole-Watson at Home – Benaisha Poole Watson

Topic Words of Wisdom

Grow Your Mental

Image by Beate from Pixabay
Listen to Grow Your Mental Recital
Growing your mental
Opens minds; developmental
Love and consciousness are life’s syllabus
The syllabus which teaches us

Leading with eyes only
Robs the soul and results to lonely
Lonely, pretentious and superficial
Love and meaning are most beneficial

Ask yourself when you look in the mirror
Do I manifest what I am seeking?
Searching hard for the answer brings you nearer
Realizing that arrogance, pride and conceit are what you are reeking

Maturity and mental growth
Brings us closer to an oath
That tells us life is about much more
Fulfillment, gratification and enrichment are in store

Exit the false prophecy
Visualize the hypocrisy
Newfound treasures appear before your eyes
Things unseen before suddenly materialize 

Wow, what a surprise!

Grow Your Mental first appeared on Inspire By O'Nika, March 22, 2023

Diversity Topic Words of Wisdom

Women’s History Month in Music

Women’s History Month in Music

Image by Prawny from Pixabay

It’s Women’s History Month. Let’s talk about a female hip hop and funk group who was pivotal in these genres of the music.

What do you get when you add Angie B, Blondy and Cheryl the Pearl? Drumroll please… meet The Sequence. A trio of women from South Carolina who performed a fusion of hip hop and funk music. Angela Brown, Gwendolyn Chisolm and Cheryl Cook made up the first female group to release songs under Sugar Hill Records.

The most notable song by the group is “Funk You Up”, which came out in 1979. You may also remember the song, “Monster Jam with Spoonie Gee”. In the 90s Angela Brown aka Angie Stone later joined the music group Vertical Hold before going solo in 1999. She has also performed in theater, TV and movies.

Angie Stone-Mahogany Soul Album

Gwendolyn “Blondy” Chisolm and Cheryl “The Pearl” Cook released a single in 2011 titled, “On Our Way to the Movies”. The Pearl also wrote songs for the Sugar Hill Gang and scores of other artists. She went on to start her own company called Black Bottom Entertainment.

The Sequence is very important in the history of women, music and hip hop. Their first single topped the music charts for three weeks and went Gold. Other artists have sampled their music. Even though the hip hop genre is more prominent in NY, The Sequence held their own and made their mark being from the South. They have helped to lay the foundation for subsequent female hip hop groups and solo MCs, that we know and love.

The influence of The Sequence can still be felt and heard, even today. Give them their due for what they have laid down for women groups who came after them. For whatever reason, The Sequence has not been given the credit they deserve. When I think of The Sequence I think of a trio of inspiration and talent.

Topic Words of Wisdom

Can You Answer This? What Are the Benefits to Being Employed?

Image by talha khalil from Pixabay

Can You Answer This? What Are the Benefits to Being Employed?

Being employed comes with many benefits. I know sometimes we complain about certain aspects of working, but it comes with its perks. Working affords us with options to support ourselves and our families. When we work, we have a sense of independence, achievement, responsibility and enjoyment. Being employed, whether self-employed or with a company is gratifying. Just think of what life would be without it. Of course, for the retired you have put in your years. It is now time for you to do with your life what you will and enjoy doing what your heart desires.

Experiencing people and interacting with others is a large part of being employed. We have some wonderful experiences and some less than nice ones. But either way we learn from all of them. We also get to save and/or invest money for later in life. Also, working helps us with medical expenses through healthcare plans provided by the company. Being employed gives us a sense of purpose in life too. We get up and feel like we are making a difference. While working, we can be creative, and this is great for mental and physical health.

Another plus is being able to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Going away for weekend trips and or vacations. Spoiling ourselves every so often. For some, it is just the sheer joy of keeping busy and doing something. It is important to try to strike a balance and not totally let work consume us. Enjoy life and have some fun too.

Can you answer this? What are the benefits to being employed? What do you say?


This Is the Life

This Is the Life

You know you have it good
When you are in the neighborhood
Being toted around town
Puppy pads not touching down

Taking in the sights
With much joy and delight
Watching everyone on their feet
Walking to the tune of life's beat

From a place of comfort, I watch
Relishing in this life  
Letting the bunions breathe
I can take a reprieve

Sitting in my carrying tote
Feeling the breeze on my furry coat
Enjoying the beautiful scenery 
The lush trees, flowers and greenery

This is the life, this is the life

Written in response to Sadje’s prompt,

Image credit: Dex Ezekiel/Unsplash

This is the life was published first on on March 10, 2023

Diversity Topic Words of Wisdom

Honoring Women Making History in March

Honoring Women Making History in March

March is Women’s History Month. There are some wonderful women out there making a true statement. These women have contributed to Arts and Science, Math, Entertainment, Education and various other areas.

Women’s History Month starts on March 1 and lasts for the entire month. Another important date this month is March 8th, International Women’s Day. Take a moment to celebrate what this day means to you.

The theme for Women’s History Month in 2023 is ‘Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories’. Every year the theme changes. This month became officially known as Women’s History Month in 1987. Before then, it was only a week-long occasion.

Women’s History Month is for taking note of progress and struggles of women, spanning back for years and years. Women now have the right to vote, get an education, join the military, among other achievements. Women still face discrimination in the workplace when it comes to wages. You do not have to be a woman to advocate for equity and inclusion. Everyone can ban together for this important cause to reduce and/or eliminate discrimination in the workplace. This can only have a positive outcome for the world at large.

It is important that people know and understand that women do not always have it easy. People may think that we have no worries, or we do not need to assert or apply ourselves. Don’t let looks fool you into thinking that we have things handed to us. Women work hard and juggle a lot. Some of us are mothers too. It is a joy to wear the hat of being a parent. Unfortunately, some people view motherhood as a crutch and therefore do not give all mothers the same chance as the male gender.

How Can You Celebrate Women Who Tell Our Stories?

  • Read about the motivating and inspiring stories that women have told through their sheer actions.
  • If you know someone who may benefit from hearing your own story, consider sharing, you just might save a life and inspire someone else to tell their story in the future.
  • Pay it forward with your heroic life story, and what another woman thought was not possible, will see that it is. You are the living proof.
  • Educate yourself on the issues that women still face today. Think about what you can do to effect change.
  • Send a quick thank you note to a woman that you admire.
  • Pass on the word about Women’s History Month on your social media platforms to raise awareness.
  • Support women-owned businesses.
  • Mentor girls and young women. Empower them with your knowledge so that they know that they matter, and they can make a difference in this world.

Let’s show some love for Women’s History Month! Lift each other up and don’t forget to hug yourself and smile. You deserve it!

Image credit: by Maja Cvetojević from Pixabay

Info Topic Words of Wisdom

March is Optimism Month

Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

March is national optimism month. It can be hard at times to be optimistic when life happens. Although, I think those are the times to have an optimistic outlook on things. Just think of the good you will be doing for yourself. In the long run, with a more positive attitude you will have lower stress levels, be more hopeful and have a more upbeat and cheerful feeling about life.

Optimism can be a challenge when the world spends so much time on social media. It is so easy for someone to see something on the internet and compare it to their own lives. We must remember that not everything we see on the web is as it seems. With that, know that we all have our separate paths in life and will not always arrive at certain destinations at the same time. It will take some of us longer to achieve certain things.

During March, we can start to take notice of our ways of looking at situations. If we take stock of how we perceive things we can then learn to change the negative thoughts into positive ones. Learn how to see the best case-scenario rather than the worst. We can team up with someone we trust and hold each other accountable. Help the other person change that negative into a positive.

March 12-18 Sleep Awareness Week

Did you know? Driving while drowsy slows reaction time just the same as driving drunk.

Sleep affects our health in many ways. Being well rested lets us excel mentally and physically. Lack of sleep has less than optimal effects on us. Try these simple things for better sleep; limit alcohol close to bedtime, no screen time before bed or while lying in bed, stop caffeine at least 4 hours before bed, try not to exercise close to the time you are going to sleep. Adequate sleep helps reduce stress, keeps our heart healthy and aids with weight loss. So, don’t forget to get your ZZZs.

March 12

Daylight Saving Time

Spring forward for Daylight Saving Time. It’s the time of year when we set the clocks ahead one hour. This practice allows for more hours of daylight during the warmer months of the year.

Time to spring forward
Photo by Mpho Mojapelo on Unsplash

March 17

St. Patrick’s Day

Celebrate the patron saint of Ireland today. People pay tribute to Irish history by attending mass and/or having a big meal. You will see a lot of the color Green. This represents the vast green land of Ireland. Although the 4-leaf clover is said to bring good luck, the Shamrock is one of the Irish symbols. Check out the web for some fun Green cocktails. You can make them with or without alcohol. Get the family together to make some recipes to commemorate Irish heritage.

March 20

First Day of Spring

Hello Spring! Milder days ahead. Also, the time of year when trees start to bloom. The pollen count rises also. Get your allergy medicine ready for those who are affected by this. In the Spring we have a lot more time to go for walks before or after work and enjoy some sun and outdoor time.

March 22

Ramadan Begins

Ramadan is a religious Islamic holiday observed by Muslims. From sun-up to sun-down Muslims fast and try to avoid eating, drinking, smoking and any impure behaviors and/or thoughts. Ramadan is when you will see increased prayers, time worshipping at the mosque and reading the Quran. This time of self-reflection helps to clean the soul and show empathy for those less fortunate. Fasting is a way to acknowledge that some people around the world are hungry. Those who practice the Islamic religion can find places of worship in virtually every state in the United States. Even though there are millions of people in the U.S. who are Muslims, the largest Muslim population can be found in Indonesia.

March 22

Día de la Abolición de Esclavitud

Did you know? It was once illegal to own or display the Puerto Rican Flag.

Emancipation Day (Puerto Rico)

March 22, 1873 marks the end of slavery in Puerto Rico. After colonization, disease and mistreatment wiped out most of the native people, this resulted in a major labor shortage. Gold mining was the popular trade at the time, so workers were needed for this reason. After gold mining stopped bringing in profits, sugar cane was the next thing to bring in money for the island. African slaves were used for enrichment of the land on plantations for the production of sugar. The African slave trade in PR lasted over 30 decades. Emancipation Day in Puerto Rico is an important day to celebrate freedom. Bomba and Plena music has strong African roots. Dancing to this music, along with native meals, festivals and parades are some of the ways to celebrate Emancipation Day.

Afro Puerto Rican flag and Resistance Puerto Rican flag

Puerto Rican Flag

Save Your Vision Month

Take the time to give your eyes a little extra TLC. It is better to preserve our eyesight as much as possible, rather than letting it get so bad that it creates things that cannot be reversed. Our eyes are precious. Besides, we only get one set. Try some preventative things like, limiting screen time. When reading make sure the room is well lit. Wear sunglasses to help against UV sun rays. Schedule that much needed eye exam. You know who you are… If you catch yourself squinting or needing to use extra bright light just to read certain things.


Can You Answer This? Who is Your Favorite Comedian?

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Who is your favorite comedian? We have so many performers who have a natural gift to make others laugh. Who do you admire for their talent to lift others up through laughter? It is not an easy thing to stand up in front of a crowd of people, not knowing how your jokes are going to be received.

Acting in movies and performing improv are some forms to the art of comedy. What a talent to bring a smile to others and make people laugh. Who are your favorite comedians?

Who is your favorite comedian?

Topic Words of Wisdom

Mixed Bag of Trash

Mixed Bag of Trash

I can only read so much
Of this BS and such and such
Who in their right mind
This info is so maligned

Where are the hopeful stories
Of animal rescues and watching lories
Of good-will and cheer
Of not crime and fear

Stories about curing cancer
Slashing grocery prices like a lancer
Restoring faith in the system
Less about being a robbery victim

Thieves need to get a job
Stop stealing and being a slob
People work hard for their money
This is not the land of milk and honey

What about affordable housing and gas
Less homelessness, are these things of the past
Where are the stories to make you smile
Laugh inside and not bring up the bile

Bile that makes you want to gag
Reading news about this mixed bag
Report on something better
About successes and the go-getters

Maybe then I can read this thing
See a story that makes me want to sing
And not want to set the pages ablaze
Watching the ashes blow away in a haze

Written in response to Sadje's prompt, what to you see #174
What do you see # 174- Feb 20, 2023
Mixed Bag of Trash was first published on on February 25, 2023
Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Bring It Down a Notch

Bring it down a notch. Be humble for Humble Day.

What does it mean to be humble? What do you think of when you hear this word? On Wednesday, February 22 it’s all about being humble. Take this day and ground yourself. Bring it down a notch. Do not brag, boast or exhibit pride. It is a day to come down to earth and come to grips with the fact that you are not perfect. Think of ways to humble yourself.

Remember that we are human and make mistakes. Accept that and embrace it. Even if you do not accept the faults and imperfections of others, do it for yourself. Put your ego aside. For some, this is a hard thing to do. Just practice some humility and you will see and feel the difference.

Being a well-accomplished person is no small feat. Just try to keep it under wraps for the day. It does not mean that you have low self-esteem or are downgrading what you have achieved. Instead, about having that personal knowledge of your achievements and not feeling the need to verbalize them at every turn.


Listen to others who are speaking, without interrupting. This shows the person that you are truly listening to what they have to say. You are putting them first in that moment and not just concerned with what you have to say.

Pride has no place on Humble Day. Put others first. Doing so opens us up to new experiences. When we get out of our own head, we have room to grow and see things from another perspective.

Be mindful of your actions and words. Being mindful shows that even though you may feel a certain way, keep it to yourself and consider the other person’s feelings. Little things do matter.

For those with children, teach them how to humble themselves. Explain to them why it can change their outlook and make them go deeper to learn some things about themselves.

Instead of seeking out attention, give attention to someone else. See how you feel afterward.


Come to the realization that life is not always about ourselves but about embracing others too. When we celebrate others, it is all a trickle affect and it comes back around.

Know that boasting proves nothing. Keeping it to yourself sometimes can be a good thing. Your accomplishments will be obvious. No need to brag and tell everyone. Your inner light will shine through.

Humbling yourself does not diminish who you are. The practice of being humble gives us the chance to look outside of ourselves and see other things and people. It forces us to see life through a new and different lens.

Bring It Down a Notch

Putting away the selfishness and pride truly does make a difference to all mankind. When we humble ourselves, we are more likely to help others. This practice lends us with more awareness of what is happening around us and in the world. It is a way of enlightenment.

Humble Day is on February 22nd but who says it has to end there. If you have a humbling experience that changed your life, consider sharing. It may inspire others and let them see the light. If you don’t want to share, that’s okay too. Go back to that moment and use that experience as an example to guide your actions on Humble Day.

Image credit: Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Info Topic

Body, Hair and Cleanse

Body, hair and cleanse is the topic today. Things that we do for ourselves on a regular basis and not think twice about. It just comes naturally. While doing these things sometimes we get bombarded when trying to decide on just the right product for these regular rituals.

Welcome to my first review of products for hair, skin, and body. I have chosen some products that I have tried in the past, as well as some that I currently use. If you have ever considered using some of these products but just wasn’t quite sure, take a look.


Keeping the body smooth and moist is very important. It helps to slow wrinkling and keeps the skin looking healthy. Especially, during the colder months moisturizing is a must.

Body Lotion and Cream

Cantu Skin Therapy Shea Butter Nourishing Body Lotion

Pros- Nourishing and truly moisturizes the skin.

Cons- Highly scented. Using this, you do not want to wear any perfume on top of this product.

This lotion does moisturize the skin but is highly scented. It contains shea butter which always does the job. You will feel like you are wearing perfume. If that is the desired result, then this is the product for you. I would caution on using this in the summer, it might attract bugs due to the highly perfumed scent.

Dove Whipped Body Cream Pomegranate/Shea Butter

Pros- Moisturizing. Lightly scented.

Cons- Does not really have the scent of pomegranate, which is why I made the purchase.

This body cream is okay. It is worth trying. Does provide moisture but not very long-lasting. Other scents are available to try. If you are looking for a cream that smells like pomegranate, you might want to skip this one.

Jergens Nourishing Honey Body Lotion

Pros- Great moisturizer for the skin. Best if used during cooler months when skin is extremely dry. It has a light scent to it, not overpowering at all.

Cons- Very thick texture, so avoid using during summer months. It will just sit on top of the skin. Especially, if you perspire a lot.

Great moisturizing lotion. Inexpensive and easy to find at most retailers. Any of the Jergens nourishing lotions work great for maximum moisture protection for your skin.


Either of these two products are used after washing and conditioning the hair. You can apply these and sit under the hooded dryer or use as a detangler for wet hair then blow dry. If you want to wet set for a curly style these are good choices. You can also use them for wrapping the hair.

Hair products

Smooth ‘N Shine Polishing Foaming Wrap Lotion

Pros- Sets the hair. Foams nicely. Helps with detangling wet hair.

Cons- The smell of this product is not pleasant.

Overall, I did not like this product. It does what it should to set the hair. The smell of it and its polishing qualities fell short for me.

Lotta Body Coconut & Shea Oils Texturizing Setting Lotion

Pros- As the title says, lotta body. This product delivers on body and bounce. Easy to find at most stores. This product does not flake. It also works as a detangler. Use while hair is wet and curl or wrap the hair, sit under the dryer and hair will have shine and bounce.

Cons- Formula is very concentrated, do not use too much.

Great product to use for wet setting the hair or wrapping. You can also use as a detangler if you want to simply blow dry your hair, after washing and conditioning. Smells nice too.


The products below are for those looking for a body cleanser without harsh chemicals. If you have sensitive skin and are looking for something that will not irritate or dry out your skin, these may be a good alternative.

Soap and Bodywash

Basis Sensitive Skin Bar

Pros- Love, love, love this soap! Did I mention that I love this soap? Very gentle to the skin, no harsh chemicals, long lasting bar. Cleanses the skin well.

Cons- A little pricey. Hard to find in most stores. May have to order online.

This soap leaves the skin feeling clean and non-drying. Even though it is pricey, it is worth it. You get what you pay for, and this is worth a try.

Equate Sensitive Skin Body Wash

Pros- Long lasting, a little goes a long way. Cleanses the skin and leaves it feeling moisturized. Can buy it as a single bottle or a double pack. Works as well as Dove for sensitive skin soap but less expensive.

Cons- None

This body wash works well and lasts a long time. You only need a small amount to lather and clean the skin. The price is affordable, especially for a sensitive skin formula. The double pack is more cost effective.

Dove Unscented Sensitive Skin Soap (not pictured)

Pros- Great soap to use for sensitive skin. Leaves skin feeling moisturized and supple.

Cons- Soap easily dissolves. On the pricey side. Can leave skin feeling moist in areas that you do not want moisture.

Dove sensitive skin soap is a good soap for those with sensitive skin. It is also, highly recommended by doctors. Great skin moisturizer. Be careful not to leave this soap sitting in water, it easily dissolves.

Body, Hair and Cleanse

If you currently use any of these and have a similar experience, I would love to hear from you. Also, if you have tried other products that are worth trying, please share your experience. I hope you have enjoyed the reviews and I will be back in the future with more.

Illustration credit: Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Disclaimer: Please note, this is only my opinion, based on my personal experience with these products. I am not receiving any monetary compensation for said opinions.

Topic Words of Wisdom

Can You Answer This? Is a Man or Woman More Capable of Love?

Is a Man or Woman More Capable of Love?

Photo by Nathan Nichols on Unsplash

Both men and women have lost in love at least once. Some are fortunate enough to have found their true love. I say true love because there is a difference in saying you love someone and showing it. Do you think men are more capable of love than women? It depends on who you ask and their experience with love.

In my opinion, I think women are more capable of love. The reason is because women are nurturers and mothers and as such, more accepting. I don’t believe that you can be accepting without love. You have to start with love in order to accept or nurture something or someone.

Don’t get me wrong, men are capable too. I have seen it. It does exist. We must give them credit. I think the thing that holds some men back is feeling less masculine when showing their loving or nurturing side.

Can you answer this? Is a man or woman more capable of love? What do you think?


Protect and Serve

Let’s take a minute to bring attention to something that is happening all over the country. African Americans have lost their lives due to police brutality. It does nothing for the officers who honor life and truly believe in the notion to protect and serve. When you see officers on both sides of the coin, how do you discern between the ones who uphold the law and those who do not?

Being in a role of authority, there comes great responsibility. Responsibility to uphold duties for the community in its entirety. More frequently these days this is not the case, the opposite is happening. Basic human rights are being taken away at the hands of people who took an oath to protect and serve. Preserve life, not take it away.

Too many times, certain people take their authoritative position to the extreme. When people see you, they should not fear for their lives. They should have the opposite feeling of comfort and/or safety. When people see you, they should not run away from you. Instead, walk towards you with a general feeling of trust. What happens to the world when the people who are meant to be in place to help others are the real perpetrators!

It is a form of abuse of power. Taking advantage of individuals because you are in a position to temporarily control a situation. Using phrases such as, “I felt that my life was in jeopardy”, as an excuse. An excuse to beat, choke, kneel, shoot, choke and kill another human being. And, why? Because you can. Because you hide behind a piece of metal that you wear on your chest. You escape prosecution because you are upheld by some who wear the same piece of metal.

Photo by Tosin James on Unsplash

Protect the Community

Protect people, preserve life. That piece of metal does not give you rights to take another’s life. Those people have families, just like you. Some also have children, just like you. They have people who love them and are looking forward to them coming home safely. What kind of protection are you providing when people have to take out their cell phone to record a routine traffic stop? Disrupting people’s lives with your contempt is not acceptable. What happened to trying to restore order by using the least amount of force? Thank you to the officers who help people, who are serving all people. To the ones who are not, shame on you!

Serve All People

As a uniformed person, working under the law. Honor that! Serve the people. Serve us with dignity, respect, kindness. I know there are encounters that you experience where you are not met with kindness. You are trained to handle these situations. This is what you signed up for and are trained to handle such situations in the least harmful way.

I implore you to approach your daily interactions, while on the job with humility. Please, do not wake up and put on that uniform with contempt and hatred for people and your profession. If you find it so hard to go into it with some semblance of humanity, stop and think. Think before you take someone else’s life. Stop and ask yourself if this is the profession for you. We all deserve to live. We all deserve to go home at the end of the day.

Rest in Peace

Let’s take a moment to remember some of the people who lost their lives due to brutality.

Tyre Nichols

George Floyd

Tamir Rice

Eric Garner

Walter Scott

Breonna Taylor

Sandra Bland

Philando Castile

What can we do?

Diversity Topic Words of Wisdom


Unity is peace, Unity is the umbrella
Being united means coming together
Together for whatever comes our way
Differences, views and opinions

The issues will come our way almost every day
Unity will be the saving grace
Grace keeps our sanity together in every way

Grace begets compassion and understanding
Compassion for what is different than us
Understanding for things we don’t know
In our hearts grace and unity will overflow

Equality, acceptance, hope and love
Is what a sense of unity does
For communities both below and above

We may look different on the outside
But we all have blood running through our veins
Let not those things make us collide
When we have grace, love remains

Unity not division, lets love take over
What we thought we knew about one another
Take the time to speak 
Speak to that sister or brother

Resist the urge that breeds
Hatred, violence and racial bias
We may not always agree
Unity is what frees

Black history month and year long
Promote unity not the same sad song
Songs of brutality, racism and wrongs
Unity pushes everyone along

---O'Nika McGill---

Unity was first published on Inspire By O'Nika 
Feb 5, 2023

Diversity Topic

Black History Month Past and Present

Black History Month Past and Present
Image by Aaron Mervin from Pixabay

Black History Month Past and Present

February is Black History month. In order to understand the present, we must look at the past. Let’s give credit where credit is due. The farmers, boaters/fishermen, and Olympians oftentimes get overlooked and left out. Although, we will never forget about civil rights leaders, freedom fighters who have paved the way, years ago.

Daisy Gatson Bates

Daisy Gatson Bates Day is Feb 21. We can credit this Arkansas native for being an activist against racial discrimination. During her civil rights work, she was the president of the NAACP, Arkansas chapter. In 1957, she played a major role in desegregation at Little Rock Central High School. Read “The Long Shadow of Little Rock: A memoir” and learn about her legacy.


NAACP Day is February 12. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People sets out to help with equality and civil rights for all people. The NAACP is about addressing issues of racial discrimination. Throughout its history, this organization addresses immigration issues, misconduct by police, voting rights and economic development.

One way to honor the NAACP’s mission is by making a donation. This group has made strides for centuries since its inception in 1909. If you feel that you can contribute to their causes for job equality, voting rights, healthcare and education, please do. In an effort to combat fair education, they have partnered with other organizations to provide scholarships for African American students.

Future Leader
Photo by Kiana Bosman on Unsplash

Farming, Fishing and Swimming

Farming-John W. Boyd, Jr, founder of the National Black Farmers Association is instrumental in advancing rights for black farmers. Agriculture is a very important part of the foundation for the entire world. Mr. Boyd had to take legal action against the government over financial relief for farmers that was promised but did not happen. He is painfully aware that African American farmers do not get the same relief and support. In light of that, he tirelessly champions on to get what is only fair for farmers.

Fishing-The Ebony Anglers is a black, female fishing team from North Carolina. This is a competitive fishing team who is making history. Look them up and see if they give you inspiration to branch into a field where both women and African Americans are under-represented. The Ebony Anglers have passed on their efforts to the youth. Black Boys Boat and Black Girls Fish was formed by this amazing group. They make what they do look easy, but it is still hard work. Kudos to them for passing down their knowledge to the youth about the fishing and boating industries.

Swimming-Who is Simone Manuel? She is the first black woman to win an Olympic Gold medal in swimming in the year 2016. Simone is setting the bar and inspiring other young people to follow their dreams. Even though there are so few black swimmers who compete; she is proof that it is possible. Feeling left out at times in her swimming career, she is a strong advocate for inclusivity. Simone Manuel is a young, black athlete who can use her platform to influence positive change in the swimming arena and worldwide.

African American Coaches Day

African American Coaches Day is Feb 7. Coaching is not just related to sports. Today, we have life coaches as well. This is a lucrative profession. Coaching helps people attain their personal and career goals. It gives people something to strive for. Life coaching may be an avenue to explore for those who are known to be procrastinators. It helps with holding yourself accountable and sticking with a plan.

Coaching a sports team for the youth is a way of mentorship. It helps give the children structure, discipline and a sense of high self-esteem. Also, it teaches team building. When you have kids working together it also builds friendships and creates a positive atmosphere. Skills learned from playing on the team are skillsets that stay with them well into adulthood. Coaching is time well spent. Let’s continue to shape the future of our youth.

Black History Month Past and Present

As you can see, African Americans of the past and present are making history. While we might not have been around in some of the times when they were making their impact, we can still live and feel the effects of their hard work. Black history is history for all. African Americans have felt the strains of society for centuries. In the face of hardships and hard times, we have still managed to hold true to ourselves and make a positive difference in the world.

Lets continue to encourage and support our young athletes, farmers and communities to make for a better world. We can all benefit and live together and have more equality, if we put our minds to it and put in some effort.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, ” I have a dream”

Malcolm X- “By any means necessary”

Harriet Tubman soldiered with the underground railroad. “I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger”.

Gordon Parks changed the world behind the camera. “The subject matter is so much more important than the photographer”.

Black History in America post 2022