Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Wealth or Friends

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Is it better to be wealthy with little to no true friends or humble/poor with many friends?

Wealth affords a lot of things. Alternatively, having friends are an advantage too. You can consider yourself rich if you have both wealth and a network of friends. True friends. Sometimes when people are financially wealthy, they have people around them but not necessarily all of them can be called a friend. You know, there are groupies, moochers, free loaders, etc. It can be hard to tell if those people are truly your friend or just hanging around because of what you have. And more importantly, what they can get from you. Call it what it is, I’m sure you have all seen this scenario before.

The Upside of Financial Wealth

Photo by Mackenzie Marco on Unsplash
  • No worrying about paying bills
  • Buy what you want, when you want
  • Dream vacation is possible
  • Can save and/or invest your money
  • Donate to your favorite charity
  • Party hard

The Upside of Having Friends

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash
  • No worrying about being lonely or bored
  • Companionship is there
  • Having friends provides an emotional support system
  • A listening ear is just a phone call away in those times when you just need to talk
  • Feeling of community
  • Social life is always possible

Being humble/poor with many friends gives you the feeling that the people in your life are there for you. They are not concerned with what you have or do not have. You don’t have to wonder if they are around for some other reason. Genuine friends are hard to come by and when you don’t have much in the way of material things, but you have friends, that is nothing to take lightly.

Having money is good but it comes with some downsides too. Like not knowing who has an agenda or ulterior motive. You can buy many things with money, but you can’t buy friends or love. Money does not buy happiness.

On the other hand, having friends does provide happiness. You have people around you to celebrate you and in return; you them. Maybe being humble/poor causes stress in your life. That friend(s) sometimes makes it all better when they still visit you. They don’t judge you for your humble wardrobe or humble home.

What say you? wealth or friends?

Topic Words of Wisdom

Inside the Shell of the Human

Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash

Inside the shell of the human is complex. Humans are made up of more than just a shell. More than what you see on the outside. Beneath the skin, lies character, emotions, and the essence of a person. What we see is not always representative of what is inside. Some people are good at camouflaging their feelings. You would never know that something horrific was going on.

If something seems off about someone you know, stop for a minute to ask. Not to say, do an interogation but stop to check on that person. You can’t tell from the outside what people are going through. This time of year brings a lot of emotions and triggers for people. It is not always the happiest of times for everyone.

How to be there for someone

If you see someone going through a hard time, you want to help. The question is, “how do you help?”. It can be tricky when you worry about how the person may respond to your concern. Some people may take it as you being intrusive in their life, some may be offended that you said something, some may be relieved that their feelings are being seen by someone else.

When in doubt about how to help someone who is depressed, grieving, sad or just not themselves, here are some suggestions:

  • Listen, just let them talk and you listen. Sometimes they just want to be heard. Be that ear and/or shoulder to cry on.
  • Be there, let them know that you are there mentally and physically. It is therapeutic for some just to be in the presence of someone who cares. It brings comfort for them to not be alone.
  • Offer to help with everyday chores. If they need help with housework, or a meal or two. Maybe they have errands that they need help with. Make sure to keep your word with this and don’t offer anything you are not willing to actually do.
  • Don’t judge; it might seem like something small to you but it obviously feels different for them.
  • Offer resources like any local places, online sites, or phone numbers where they can connect with someone.
Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

In conclusion

Unless you are a licensed professional, it is hard to tell what a person needs in order to feel better. It is difficult to see a friend or loved one going through something and not know what to do. Just use your best judgement and try your best to help.

Inside the shell of the human holds many things. This time of year can be extremely difficult for many people. Just be mindful of this and keep that in the forefront of your mind. Mental health is not something a lot of people want to discuss, but it is very important. Of course, take care of yourself first. Otherwise, you cannot be good for others if you, yourself are not good.


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Topic Words of Wisdom

Blogging Insights, Reaching Out Through Words

Speak Your Piece


” What I’m really concerned about is reaching one person.”

— Jorge Luis Borges

Written in response to Tanya’s prompt

This quote invokes a few thoughts. Blogging, for me, affords a way of reaching the person(s) who may want to read my message. I realize that some topics may not apply to everyone but it’s okay. Knowing that at least one person read my post makes it worth the time. If I can make someone laugh or smile, then great!

Also, I like to pose thought-provoking and fun questions to get input about what others think about a specific topic. It is always interesting to hear what other’s opinions are about the same topic. Hearing feedback from others is important. My hope is that people start thinking about the possibilities for themselves and not give up. If I can give someone that nudge to try something that they have been thinking about, then I have succeeded.

Additionally, I find blogging entertaining and fun. If I can make just one person smile or if I change the outlook of someone’s day, then that is gratifying. When my posts have a positive effect on the reader, it makes me smile as well. Even if the reader doesn’t relate to what I’m writing about, it might spark up new and interesting conversations.

Image by Memed_Nurrohmad from Pixabay

Topic Words of Wisdom

Can You Answer This? Why Are You Thankful?

Can You Answer This? Why Are You Thankful? What are you giving thanks for? We have all heard the saying, this is the season for giving. But I pose the question, what are you giving thanks for? Some of us are thankful to have our health and some are thankful to have their pockets full of cash. Material things are nice to have too but they cannot give you a hug or a kiss. You can’t confide in a new car or electronic device. You can’t cry on the shoulder of a new pair of shoes or other clothing items. You get where I’m going with this.

Give Thanks
Image by Kevin Sanderson from Pixabay

Giving is such a great feeling and it benefits both the giver and the
receiver. As the human race, we all have different paths to walk in life, so there are different things that affect us. The thing to remember is that we only get one chance to do this. We don’t get a do-over. So, I ask again; what are you giving thanks for? Personally, I am thankful for the people in my life. Both near and far. So, be it a roof over your head, a job/career, a car to get back and forth, children, spouse, family. Nothing is too small to measure.

Wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving holiday!!

Stay blessed and be well!

Topic Words of Wisdom

21 Years After 9/11 and Compassion

New York City Skyline
Image by David Z from Pixabay

September 11, 2001 was a day of mass casualties and destruction. The United States was attacked by a terrorist group known as al-Qaeda. This act against the country not only changed the landscape of the City but also the landscape of people’s lives.

Compassion is what we need. Not only for people we know and people closest to us. But we must have compassion for everyone. I know it is not easy to do in every situation, but a simple kind word or smile can do wonders.


Image by Goran Horvat from Pixabay

Compassion, outweighs, malice, plus, A, simple, smile, infuses, our, nation

Topic Words of Wisdom


Image by John Hain from Pixabay


Giving, respect, abundance, takes, effect, fears, ultimately, leave

Words of Wisdom

Silence The Noise

Silence The Noise

Image by Jean-Marc Baum from Pixabay

Silence the noise means to trim the fat

Trimming the fat is the extra, this, this and that

The extra is the desire to vent

Venting feels like time well spent

But it requires bending someone’s ear

Usually, this is the person who is most near

Whether they want to hear you or not

Doesn’t matter to you, you are just hot

Hot, sick and tired and mad

Just sitting back wishing you had

Had only spoken your mind

Now you wonder, how you got yourself in this bind

The bind of not knowing what to do

The noise, the noise it’s too much ado

The noise that only you can hear

Playing over and over and is causing you to fear

Fear the thing called negative self-talk

Stop playing this negative self-talk and walk the walk

Walk the walk of the powerful person you are

It’s only you who can set the bar

How low or how high is up to you

Silence the noise, silence the noise

Remember; it’s up to you

O’Nika McGill

Words of Wisdom

Believe In Yourself

Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash
Topic Words of Wisdom

Two Simple Words

Image by Jessica Wood from Pixabay

Two simple words to live by. It sounds easy and it is possible. You can do it!

Topic Words of Wisdom

Positive Thought

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Words of Wisdom


Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Words of Wisdom



What words of encouragement do you have today?

Image by FotoRieth from Pixabay
Words of Wisdom


Dropping Off Some Love

Image by 1833813 from Pixabay
Words of Wisdom


Photo by Alysha Rosly on Unsplash

You’re capable of amazing things.

Words of Wisdom


Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay