
Corner Store Bodega

The door to the bodega

Opens with lyrics

🎶🎶 Aguanilè

Aguanilè, mai mai

Feeling like you stepped right onto an island

The groove moving up your spine

Bop your head move your feet

Lips turning upward forming a smile

Let me get a Ham with American cheese

And a buttered roll on a Kaiser bun

A grape strawberry Mistic, a quarter water too

🎶🎶 Aguanilé

Aguanilé, mai mai

Waiting for your meat to be cut

The lyrics fill the air

You start to dance, salsa or two step

You get to the front to pay

Bum at the counter beggin’, “let me get two loosies man!”

In a hurry to get back, you get mad

Then you hear


Aguanilé, mai mai

Forgetting the unfolding drama

You move your feet, your hips, your butt

While waiting you go to the lottery case

Slipping a piece of paper to the cashier, play these pick 3 numbers

Oh and a pack of watermelon, grape and apple Now and Laters


Aguanilé, mai mai

The door to the bodega

Closes behind you

Ears flooded with police sirens

Horns blowing

Arguments and expletives

Feeling like you stepped back into a war

As always, thank you for reading! 💞🙏

Topic Words of Wisdom

Being Stumped By Change

—Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. —


Change is upon us every day. Whether we are ready for it or not. It happens. Sometimes in that changing, we get stumped. We may not know what direction to take or what exactly we need to do.

It is not easy to change things about ourselves. The uncertainty and not knowing what will happen next. I just implore you to follow your heart. Love yourself and others.

Stay well and be blessed. 🙏❤️


Balance My Lunch

What would you add or take away to make this a healthy, balanced meal?

Featured Lunch

Tuna on Honey Wheat bread
Bottled Water

Share with us about what you would change about this meal. Would you add yogurt or some kind of vegetable? Maybe a salad would top it off. The bread would be healthier if it were whole wheat, what do you say?

Thank you for reading! ❤️😊

Topic Words of Wisdom

Delicate Flower, She Be

Delicate Dandelion

Delicate Flower, She Be

You see her walking down the street
Purpose in her eyes
Meaning in her walk
Strut like you have never seen
Delicate flower, she be

Wearing her armor of protection
The look in her eyes lets you know
Back up or I will cut you
A face that tells you she means business
She ain't here for the games
Delicate flower, she be

Like the weeds that grow in your garden
The dandelions that grow in the empty lot on the corner
Growing in between the cracks in the ground
She rises up
Delicate flower, she be

Having the nerve to go where you wouldn't expect
She stands tall and firm
There are years that ask questions and years that answer
Looking at her reveals both; question and answer
Delicate flower, she be

Hard pavement of the concrete
Matches the hard look on her face
Meeting your gaze she stares back
Not a smile anywhere to be found
Delicate flower, she be

Inside she is just waiting for someone
Someone that sees her and brings out the smile
Simultaneously holding her delicately and firmly
In full bloom as delicate as can be
Delicate flower, she be

Delicate Flower, She Be is written in response to the W3 Prompt #148: Wea’ve Written Weekly. Violet Lentz asks us to write about elements of the human condition and include at least 1 of 3 quotes in her guidelines.

Human condition elements I wrote about are emotions, social interaction, resilience and growth. How people can look so hardened on the outside but are really loving and kind on the inside. A smile is just bursting, waiting to come out at the right circumstance.

The quote I chose is by Zora Neale Hurston, “there are years that ask questions and years that answer.”

Image credit: by Josch13 from Pixabay

As always, thank you for reading! 😊💖🙌


What Would You Do?

Can you answer this? What would you do if you see your friend is hurting and you are not sure how to help?

Would you do nothing
Secretly pray for them
Offer help in a way you think is helpful

Of course, a friend is someone we love and never want to see in pain. If you are unsure of the best way to help them, what would you do?


Near and Dear to My Heart

Near and Dear to My Heart

Near and Dear
beautiful to see
love, warmth, kindness, protection
only moms possess
keeping offspring safe, happy
indeed, the eyes tell it all

Near and Dear to My Heart is in response to Sadje’s prompt.

Image credit: Leandra Rieger on Unsplash


Theoretically Speaking of Morbid Curiosity

Theoretically Speaking of Morbid Curiosity

What’s going on…
Theoretically speaking, you wonder if 
Happenstance has come to the forefront
Eliciting answers about this thing
Offering no more cues than when it began
Responding with conjecture, whispering, gossip
Entertaining the masses with your theory
Trying not to let others around you
In on the fact that you want to know
Curiosity killed the cat
And still, you don't stop
Letting your mind drift about the situation
Learning that this is someone else's reality
Yearning for truth about today's morbid curiosity

Theoretically Speaking of Morbid Curiosity is written in response to the word prompt by Sammi Cox.

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

The Salon Chair

The salon chair

In the salon chair
Close your eyes let your cares fly
Fly far away and down the drain

Tears chasing thoughts
Thoughts undealt with for years
So relaxed in the salon chair
Not caring who hears

Hears you release pain, regret, disappointment,
Hurt, dreams unfulfilled
Like water, let it flow freely down your cheek
After all who will notice

In the salon chair, scalp being massaged
Forgetting where you are you begin confessional
Spilling details most dear to your heart
In hopes that those hands can relate

The hands of the person in your proximity
Letting you be free with your truths
She or he listens with understanding
Empathy, caring and non-judgement

They know this is your time
Time to let your hair down
Relax, talk, cry, listen

In the salon chair
Where best kept secrets are kept
Never revealing the tears that wept

The smiles, the laughs, the shared tea
Moments at the salon that involve three
The chair the stylist and me
No other entity compares

In the salon chair
Like therapy in many ways
Going in one way and leaving another
Altered both emotionally and physically

Hair looking fresh to death
Feeling and looking your best
You smile and your strut beams confidence
Suddenly you remember to keep your head up

Image by Michelle Raponi from Pixabay

Topic Words of Wisdom

Keep It to Yourself or Share?

Keep It to Yourself or Share?

Come with me for some tips about sharing. Also, things that we should not share. Enjoy these everyday reminders about why we should be mindful about sharing certain personal care items.

Share or not to share-video message

Thank you for watching! 💕 Stay well and be blessed🙏

Topic Words of Wisdom

Can You Answer This? What Excites You About Life?

What Excites You About Life?

Life is full of exciting things. What is it for you that makes you excited? Do you wake up every day and get excited to see another day. Yes, this is a valid reason to be excited. Are you excited to be working in the career of your choice? Not everyone is fortunate to have their dream career. Maybe it is your children. It is such a blessing and joy to be able to hug, smile, teach, and watch them grow into adults.

Retirees may excite in the fact that they are no longer on the clock. They can leisurely go about their day. Romance is another reason to be excited. The thought of having your person knowing that someone loves and accepts you.

Can you answer this? What excites you about life? Life brings so many reasons and opportunities to get excited. What does it for you? Maybe you have hobbies in life that excite you and motivate your life.

This question I ask because a lot of times we go about our lives and master the routine. We don’t often, stop to think about what excites us. We need to revisit some of these things and take a detour to bring the spark, smile, sense of humor and love back in. We can still live in our daily routines while enjoying those exciting things too.

Self Awareness Topic

Public Service Announcement- Who Are “They”?

PSA- Who are “They”? asks the questions about how society puts a certain demographic of people in the same group. The talk in this post is not my usual content but I felt the need to speak on this topic. I have been seeing and hearing people on various platforms discussing this, and it piqued my interest.

Are black men being judged unfairly? Are they being crucified by public opinion? What do you think? Is there some magical potion or spell on black men being cast by “They”? Just curious about your thoughts on the subject. Please share your perspective.

Video Message- Who are “They”?

As always, thank you for watching! 🙏💗


The Green-Eyed Monster Hiding in the Dark

In the shadow darkness hides, use your hearing to find your way  

In the shadow what you hear is the true beat of your heart

In the shadow, heartbeats echo so rhythmically like you can reach out and touch

In the shadow, feeling the tactile beating heart, gratitude wells up in your throat

In the shadow, gratitude leads to the road of happiness

In the shadow of that happiness the face of envy is rising

In the shadow, envy is obliterated with humility, stay kind

The Green-Eyed Monster Hiding in the Dark is written in response to the W3 Weekly prompt.

Thank you for reading!🥰🙏💖


Where Bunions Go To Be Free

Where Bunions Go To Be Free

Let the Bunions Breathe
Bunions roam free by the sea
A place untapped for this sort of thing
A place where the Bunion can be itself
It can come out in public without judgement

For the Bunion is not afraid
By the sea, no cover up is needed
Just pure, unadulterated glory and freedom
Oh by the sea, let the Bunions breathe

This writing is in response to the prompt by Sadje.

Thank you for reading! 💞 Hope I can help you have a laugh today 😁

Image by Tabea from Pixabay


Hidden Adventure

Hidden Adventure

Adventure Awaits
How exciting, the feeling
Jump in the water
No way, someone will see us
Life is short, why not dive in

Hidden Adventure, a tanka, is written in response to the picture prompt by Sadje.

Thank you for reading!

Image credit: Pavlo T at Unsplash

Topic Words of Wisdom

Awakening of Rejuvenation

Awakening of Rejuvenation

New Day
Renewal of Hope
A difficult task at times
Times of natural disaster
Floods, fire, tornadoes

Hope is tested
Even unthinkable
Suddenly you realize
Tomorrow is here

The dawn of a new day
The sun kissing your face
Laughter, smiles and hope returning
Knowing you have survived, hope renews

Image credit: Pexels from Pixabay

Awakening of Rejuvenation is written in response to the prompt by Sarah David.

As always, thank you for reading! 🌻💖🙏