The door to the bodega
Opens with lyrics
🎶🎶 Aguanilè
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Feeling like you stepped right onto an island
The groove moving up your spine
Bop your head move your feet
Lips turning upward forming a smile
Let me get a Ham with American cheese
And a buttered roll on a Kaiser bun
A grape strawberry Mistic, a quarter water too
🎶🎶 Aguanilé
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Waiting for your meat to be cut
The lyrics fill the air
You start to dance, salsa or two step
You get to the front to pay
Bum at the counter beggin’, “let me get two loosies man!”
In a hurry to get back, you get mad
Then you hear
Aguanilé, mai mai
Forgetting the unfolding drama
You move your feet, your hips, your butt
While waiting you go to the lottery case
Slipping a piece of paper to the cashier, play these pick 3 numbers
Oh and a pack of watermelon, grape and apple Now and Laters
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The door to the bodega
Closes behind you
Ears flooded with police sirens
Horns blowing
Arguments and expletives
Feeling like you stepped back into a war
As always, thank you for reading! 💞🙏