Info Topic

It’s August or Ya es Agosto

It’s August or Ya es Agosto! Can you believe how fast the year is going by? Check out some things happening this month.

First week of August-August 1-August 7 is National Simplify Your Life Week

National Simplify Your Life week means to make things easier for yourself. If you feel stressed or feel like your load is too much, cut some things out. Limit the number of tasks that you sign on to do. You are only one person and as such, you have to take care of you first. If you are no good, you can’t be good for anyone else. Simplifying can mean that you clean out your garage or closet(s). You might also consider simplifying your life mentally by saying no to new projects until you can complete what you already have on your plate. Cutting lose toxic or negative people from your life is another way to simplify things. If someone in your life brings you more strife and drama than happiness and good times, you have a choice to make for your own wellbeing.

August 3-National Watermelon Day

Watermelon is both a fruit and vegetable. You can eat the whole fruit, including the rind. It comes in seedless and seeded varieties. Eat it plain or try one of the many recipes online for watermelon treats. This melon not only tastes good but has health benefits. The high content of water makes it a great choice of fruit to help with lowering high blood pressure. It also has antioxidants which helps with the heart and eye health.

August 12- International Youth Day

This day brings awareness to the challenges that some children all over the world face. Education and poverty being among the top issues. Celebrating the achievements of the youth is also the purpose. Get involved by having conversations with both younger people and older adults. Mentor or tutor a child who may struggle with education and/or social issues.

August 14-National Financial Awareness Day

Financial awareness day is a day to assess where you are money-wise. Being financially secure means different things for everyone. Look at what you can do to improve your financial situation and make the steps necessary to attain that goal. Research finances. Compare your income to what your monthly bills are and make the changes to have more coming in than going out. Maybe, start a budget and keep track of spending habits to see what changes are needed. Around 50% of Americans are living check to check. That is a staggering number. It’s a good idea to have some kind of “money cushion” for emergencies.

August 16-National Rum Day

On National Rum Day, August 16th; celebrate by having a rum daiquiri, spiced rum drink or any number of rum cocktails. Rum is a distilled alcohol drink derived from sugar cane and molasses. It is one of the top 3 alcoholic beverages. You can enjoy clear Rum or dark Rum. It can be mixed to make Pina Coladas, Mojitos, and Daiquiri’s too. You can also add it to your baking recipes. Think Rum cake. Drink responsibly.

August 21-Poet’s Day

Poet’s Day is a day of recognition for poets and the art of poetry. There are different forms of poetry. You don’t have to be an expert to write poems. Even if writing poems is not your thing, you may enjoy reading them. Rapping is also a form of poetry, not often embraced by the masses.

José Martí was a poet and journalist born in Havana, Cuba. During the time he lived in New York City, he wrote in Spanish and English newspapers. Mostly about the difficult relations between Latin America and the United States. There is a statue of José Martí in Central Park South. It depicts him on a horse during his last times in battle.

August 27- National Just Because Day

National Just Because day is just that; just because. On this day, you might want to do something out of the ordinary. Do something just because you feel like it or just for no reason at all. Think of something that breaks up the monotony. Maybe go for a walk at a park you normally don’t visit. Gift someone something special for no apparent reason. When they ask, “what is this for?” You can say, “just because”. You get the idea. Run with it!

Info Topic

Ways To Save On Gas

By now, most of us are feeling the pinch with the high gas prices. At least the people who do not have electric cars. Unfortunately for people with gas cars, they have to buy fuel in order to get where they need to go, to do what they need to do. Drivers of electric cars are the lucky ones right now. Even though gas prices are going down, there are things we can do to make the most of the gas we buy. The tips below are some ways to save on gas.

Lighten the load

Lighten the load in the car. When the car is weighed down with a lot of stuff in the trunk, back seat, etc this causes the gas to burn faster. The lighter the car the less gas you use. Take this time to empty out the trunk of things you don’t need. This might be a good time to give away that stuff to your local donation center.

Drive slower

Reducing your speed helps save gas. The faster you drive the more gas you use. Driving in an aggressive manner or driving too fast, is a sure way to drain the tank. Hard braking and switching lanes often can also waste gas.

Plan your trips

When you do get gas, try to fill up to avoid making multiple trips for gas. Run errands for things that are on your way to or from your usual places.  If something can wait and is not on your route, plan that for a day when you can do multiple things in that area.  If you can, walk to the store or anywhere you need to go. Leave the car parked. 

The earlier the better

Try to gas up your car early in the morning, before stations raise the price.  Also, you might want to get gas earlier in the week, like on a Tuesday or Wednesday. Some gas stations raise the prices starting on Thursday in anticipation for weekend travel.

Pay with cash

Consider paying for your gas with cash.  Some stations charge less when you pay with cash.  This helps them avoid fees when customers use credit/debit cards. I know the plastic is more convenient, and in some cases safer than carrying cash.

Use reward cards

You may want to use discount, loyalty/rewards cards at your local gas stations.  You can save anywhere between 3-25 cents or more per gallon of gas.  This does make a difference.

Hope you find these tips useful. I’m sure you have heard some of these suggestions before, and if you have pass them along to someone else. The link below helps you find the cheapest gas prices in your area.


Can You Answer This? If You Had to Leave the U.S., Where Would You Go?

You might be one of those people who are contemplating leaving the United States. Why? Because there is a lot going on right now. I know that the US is not the only place with its set of problems. Any place you choose to live will come with its own unique challenges.

Let’s say you are one of those people who had to leave the US, where would you go? Would you go to Canada, Mexico, Africa, Australia, India, Italy, Japan, Jamaica, or the United Kingdom? And why did you choose that place? Maybe it’s another location not on this list, tell us about it.

Diversity Topic

What Right Do You Have to Be A Woman?

Correct me if I’m wrong but, we are in the year 2022? And this is the United States? This is not a country that discourages women to educate themselves, right? Is anyone listening?!

So, why is there this controversy about a woman’s right to have an abortion? There should be no question about a woman having the right and freedom to choose what she does with her body. Abortion rights should not be in the hands of government. How did we get here as a country?

Past and Present

Well, let’s see… Women have not always had the same freedoms and privileges as their male counterparts. The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. Playing sports for women came around the year 1920. Women were finally made a part of the military in the year 1948. Some countries still try to block women from getting an education. Also, women make less money than men and are just as, or more qualified for the same job. Why is that?

Why are women’s rights being rationed and then stripped away? It is not fair that we are regulated in this way. Where is the gender equality? We have brains just like men and are capable of thinking for ourselves. No, we don’t have the brute physical strength of men, but we have made a lot of strides and impactful progress in the world!

Inequality Today

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

A woman should have the basic human right to decide what she does with her body. If she becomes pregnant, she should not have to resort to unsafe, unhealthy and dangerous solutions in an attempt to abort the pregnancy: if she so chooses. The choice to either carry a pregnancy to term or abort it, no matter the reason, should be that woman’s choice.

Not some government!

Everyone has their opinion as to whether abortion is right or wrong. Whether it is right or wrong as it relates to religion. Whether it is the right economical choice. Is it right morally? Whether it is right or wrong physically. Whether it is right or wrong mentally. Such a decision when it relates to abortion is a deeply personal one. It is between that woman and her maker.

Not some government!

No matter what the law is in your state, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) can override the local state law for emergency purposes. It is a protection for any provider who may perform an abortion. The original premise of the EMTALA was to provide treatment to everyone regardless of their ability to pay. This enabled people to receive care and not be turned away.

Why Now?

The Roe vs Wade decision has been overturned. Why now after so many years has this happened? It makes no sense. This decision is going to impact a lot of people all over the world. We are dealing with so many other issues and now this is another concern.

Women are valuable human beings but are being treated like we are incapable of making our own decisions.  The overturning of Roe vs Wade complicates so many things for so many people.  This world will face overpopulation and poverty levels are going to rise.  Sadly, some women will lose their lives because they are carrying a pregnancy that might be medically dangerous.  Other women will die trying to have a procedure done in unsafe ways.

Some women may not be able to seek emergency abortion care under the protection of EMTALA.  The decision to overturn Roe vs Wade was not made with the well-being or best interest of women in mind.  “The powers that be”, aka “the government”, sit around and make decisions for an entire group of people. Making decisions without any thought of how it will affect not only their family, but families all over the world. 

Think About This

Currently, families are struggling financially to put food on the table, and clothes on their backs. Struggling to gas up their cars.  Stressing about the cost of housing and wondering if they will make next month’s rent or mortgage.  Now, add to it the number of women who are stripped of a fundamental human right to choose what to do with their own bodies.  Now, you tell me what is wrong with this picture!!

We have a lot of work to do in this country.  Gender equality should not be up for debate.  Yes, we are women. No, we are not trying to assume the roles of men but just want to be treated fairly. We want our voice to be heard.  Not forced into something that “some government” told us we have to do under the law.  It just begs the question, what right do you have to be a woman?


Reggaeton; Love It or Hate It

Daddy Yankee
Image by Creative Hatti from Pixabay

What is Reggaeton?

What is reggaeton? You can call it Spanish rap, reggae en Español, dancehall or Caribbean music. No matter what you call it, this music gets your body moving. If you hear a reggaeton song and you are not out of your seat or nodding your head; something is wrong. Reggaeton combines different styles of music for songs with a unique sound. Lyrics to reggaeton are in rapping format or in singing format.

Daddy Yankee, “Gasolina”

Tego Calderon, “Pa Que Retozen”

Where Did Reggaeton Come From?

Debate about the true origin of reggaeton is still open. Some say reggaeton originated in Panama. Others will say Puerto Rico, Jamaica or Dominican Republic. The music genre called Reggaeton was born from a song by Shabba Ranks called, ‘Dem Bow”. This song helped mold what Reggaeton has evolved into today. No matter where it came from it definitely has a distinct sound. There is no denying the rhythm and how this music will make you move.

Tego Calderon
Image by micromundosdefelicidad from Pixabay

Acceptance of Reggaeton

Some people regard reggaeton with a negative connotation. Reggaeton has been banned in some countries. People feel that it contributes to delinquency, that it is too sexual and portrays violence. Many of the videos show women half-dressed and dancing provocatively. It is the same as other music videos of similar genres.

Ivy Queen, “Yo Quiero Bailar”

Try listening to some of the reggaeton artists. You may be surprised to learn that you like the music. All of the songs are not the same with the same message. Some reggaeton music has a little bit of a softer sound. Check it out and you may discover a new love for Reggaeton.

Wisin & Yandel, “Prende ft. Franco el Gorilo, O’Neill

Reggaeton artists that you might have heard of are Tego Calderon, Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Pitbull and Wisin & Yandel. Let’s not forget the female reggaeton artists Karol G, Ivy Queen, Becky G, Farina, Anitta, Rauw Alejandro.

Reggaeton is the type of music that you either love or hate. You decide.

Info Topic

Radio Interview ft. O’Nika

Image by Luis David Garcia Valdez from Pixabay
Da Hip Hop Barbershop Presents ft. O’Nika McGill July 10, 2022
For anyone who missed the show, Da Hip Hop Barbershop Presents on iHeart Radio- WDRB Media- The Voice of the Community. You can check it out here. Thank you all for listening!

The host, Ock the Barber will be interviewing me to promote my blog, Inspire By O’Nika.  Topic discussion will include my posts on Hip Hop Music Culture of the 80s and 90s, Gun Violence- We Can Do Without It, Self Esteem and Why It’s Important and a host of other things.

A little about the show, Da Hip Hop Barbershop Presents.
The host is Ock the Barber and he is also the owner of a mobile barber shop.  As the name of the show indicates, the show is related to Hip Hop.  You will hear Ock along with Louis Hicks, Jr. tackle some subjects like stress, ghostwriting and a tribute to DJs. Even if you do not listen to Hip Hop, you will hear about other things happening in the community.  The show will not disappoint. If you want to hear some grown up, clean discussions and music which also includes other things going on take a listen to this radio station.

Da Hip Hop Barbershop Presents airs on Sundays at 12:00 am
on iHeart Radio-WDRB Media- The Voice of the Community. 

I want to give a big thank you to Ock the Barber and Louis Hicks, Jr for making this opportunity possible! 

Words of Wisdom

Silence The Noise

Silence The Noise

Image by Jean-Marc Baum from Pixabay

Silence the noise means to trim the fat

Trimming the fat is the extra, this, this and that

The extra is the desire to vent

Venting feels like time well spent

But it requires bending someone’s ear

Usually, this is the person who is most near

Whether they want to hear you or not

Doesn’t matter to you, you are just hot

Hot, sick and tired and mad

Just sitting back wishing you had

Had only spoken your mind

Now you wonder, how you got yourself in this bind

The bind of not knowing what to do

The noise, the noise it’s too much ado

The noise that only you can hear

Playing over and over and is causing you to fear

Fear the thing called negative self-talk

Stop playing this negative self-talk and walk the walk

Walk the walk of the powerful person you are

It’s only you who can set the bar

How low or how high is up to you

Silence the noise, silence the noise

Remember; it’s up to you

O’Nika McGill

Words of Wisdom

Believe In Yourself

Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

Thank You for Your Support

Thank you for your support!

Video of gratitude

Calligraphy image by Ka Young Seo from Pixabay

Diversity Info Topic

Latifah and Shaq Putting Newark on the Map

Image by Bruce Emmerling from Pixabay

Big ups to Queen Latifah and Shaquille O’Neal for their efforts with affordable housing in Newark, New Jersey. This is much needed in the Newark and surrounding areas. I know families who live there are grateful to have housing that is not breaking their pocket.

People who love their community should not feel pressured to leave because it costs too much to live in the area. A lack of resources can put a strain on the pockets of many. Newark has definitely changed over the years. You can see some revitalization happening in different parts of the city. It is nice to see.

Queen Latifah’s Project

Affordable units called Rita Gardens will be available and are located at 650 Springfield Avenue, Newark, NJ. Springfield Avenue is one of the major streets that continues into neighboring cities like Irvington, Maplewood, Union, Springfield, Vaux Hall and towards Jersey City going in the opposite direction. An electric car charging station, business center and fitness center are some of the amenities you will find. There will be market priced units in addition to the affordable units made available.

Shaquille O’Neal’s Project

777 McCarter Highway is a project underway, close to Newark Penn Station. This will be a mixed residential property with 20% of the units affordably priced. This high-rise property will feature an indoor pool, roof top lounge, a gym and concierge service. Space for retail businesses will also be available at this location.

What a great effort by Queen Latifah and Shaquille O’Neal! It goes to show what is possible by teaming up with others who are passionate about the communities they grew up in. Newark is steadily changing, and it seems to be moving in the right direction. Thank you to Queen Latifah, Shaquille O’Neal and all the partners and investors who are making this possible for the community in Newark, New Jersey!


Losing a Pet is Losing Family

Losing a pet feels just like losing family. As I see it, pets are family too. They have their own personalities, they bring us joy and happiness, they chew or scratch on things that they shouldn’t, but we still love them anyway.

Tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary of my dog’s death. His name was Max and on June 14, 2021; he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was a short-haired, Red, Dachshund. It is hard to believe that he is gone, and it still hurts. Max was a senior dog and he developed health problems as he got older.

People say that he was just an animal. Well, anyone who has lost a dog, cat or other pet knows different. He was more than just an animal he was family. Max brought me many years of happiness and companionship. He made me smile and laugh. At times, he was messy and I would get upset, but I would take care of him all over again!

Max used to dance with me. When he was younger, he would lay on his back and wait for his belly to be rubbed. That was one of his favorite things. He also liked to “kill” the squeaker out of his toys. It would take him under 10 minutes to get the squeaker out of his toys. He loved that and I enjoyed watching him. He was so intense. Max also loved to snuggle under his blankets.

Dachshunds are small dogs but they are brave. Max was never afraid of dogs that were 2-3 times his size. He was a great protector too. He protected his people and his home. Also, if you know about his breed of dog, they are very vocal. Dachshunds will make themselves known and if anyone walked up to the door, they knew he was there. His bark sounded like he was a big dog and people would be surprised to see that he was so little.

Max and His Extended Family

Max also had neighbors, Mister and Celie; they were Dachshunds too. The three of them would talk to each other by the fence in the backyard. Max would go over to the fence looking for either Mister or Celie. Sadly, they have crossed the Rainbow Bridge too. I understand what their family is feeling during this time of loss. Listen to them during one of their “talks” at the fence.

Saying Goodbye

It is very hard to say goodbye to the fur babies in our lives. They enrich our lives in so many ways. We also help them and make their lives better too. Max is definitely missed but I know that he is no longer in pain. I focus on all the good times we had together to get over him not being here.

Info Topic

What’s Happening in the Month of June or Junio

June 12th- Puerto Rican Day Parade in NYC

Image by Ken Rogers from Pixabay

The celebration is back! The Puerto Rican Day Parade is a celebration of the Puerto Rican culture and heritage. You will hear music, see dancing, and smell good food! The parade is a long tradition in NYC. It showcases Puerto Rican pride, and you will see the different Latino dances and costumes. You will have a chance to see a glimpse of Puerto Rican people. Enjoy and have a good time! WEPA!

Juneteenth- June 19th

Image by Wynn Pointaux from Pixabay

Juneteenth is an important day in history. June 19, 1865 was the day that slaves in Galveston, Texas found out that they were free. Juneteenth also known as Freedom Day, Black 4th of July, Emancipation Day or June 19th is now a federal holiday declared by President Joe Biden in 2021. Celebrate Juneteenth in the way that is most meaningful to you. Some things that people do are to patronize black owned businesses, have a cookout, gather with family/friends or go to Juneteenth events held in their local area.

Father’s Day- June 19th

Image by Lawrence Crayton from Pixabay

Happy Father’s Day! Let’s celebrate all the dads out there. This is an important time to recognize the fathers out there who are taking care of business. Thank you!! We need the men who have children to realize the important role they play and how much they are needed in their children’s lives.

LGBTQ- June is Pride Month

In the month of June, we can learn about the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer community. This is a time to acknowledge the challenges they face and learn about how society can help to overcome the stigma surrounding people of this lifestyle. The LGBTQ community faces discrimination, hate and inequality. They just want to enjoy basic human rights and be themselves FREELY, like everyone else.

Image by Filmbetrachter from Pixabay

June is National DJ Month

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

This month celebrates DJs (disc jockeys). A lot of DJs don’t get the shine they deserve but they are a vital part of the entertainment industry. DJs get the crowd moving and ensures that everyone have a good time. Disc jockeys showcase their spin skills for radio, TV, public/private events, and parties. Music is a universal language and when you have someone who knows how to play some vinyl it’s a win-win for everyone. When we dance it releases endorphins and helps to reduce stress too. Thank your favorite DJ the next time they play something you can shake your booty to. 🙂

National Headache and Migraine Awareness Month

A headache and migraine are two different things. A headache is not as debilitating as a migraine. Some people with migraines can be sensitive to light, sounds and even smells. Usually, you can take over-the-counter medicine to relieve a headache. Migraines on the other hand require a bit more medical care. One way to show support for sufferers of migraines and chronic headache is by wearing Purple. Also, learning more about this and talking about it helps to raise awareness. For information about causes and how to relieve these symptoms click the link from the National Institutes of Health.

Headaches: What You Need To Know | NCCIH (

Gemini and Cancer- Happy Birthday to the Twins and Crabs born in June!

Image by Impermanent from Pixabay
Image by Impermanent from Pixabay

What Comes First, Mortgage or Marriage?

Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels

Buying a house is a major purchase, probably one of the biggest financial obligations you can have. There are many benefits to buying a home. You get to grow equity in your home provided that regular maintenance is kept up. Purchasing a house gives you the joy of home ownership with knowing that you are not wasting money by paying rent. A lot of freedoms come with buying a home; you can design it from the ground up, pick your lot and choose the interior features that are unique to you. A house that is already built is just as rewarding. You can always make it your own and do with it what you want.

With that in mind, is it a good idea for unmarried couples to buy a home together? After all, you are in a happy relationship what can go wrong? It can be tempting because of the convenience of buying something together. Having someone to help with the mortgage. Also, the both of you can split the house chores. You both enjoy coming home to each other to something that you own. Both of you can create a space all your own like a man cave or she shed, home office, game room or whatever space you choose.

Is it a good idea for unmarried people to buy a home together?


A large part of the younger generation who are not interested in marriage would say, Hell Yes! Why not? We are in love and have been in a committed relationship, so why not?

We love each other and plan on being together for a long time. Why complicate things with getting married first?

We both work and have steady income. As long as we both have a job, we can afford the home purchase.

We are tired of wasting money on renting a place. Let’s do something together that will build equity.

Expenses can be split down the middle. We don’t have to foot the bill all alone. We can split the down payment, closing costs, mortgage, taxes, HOA association fees (if applicable), maintenance cost to upkeep the home, repair costs, etc.

Our friends are doing it, so why can’t we? What’s the worse that can happen?


Who will get to keep the house, if we break up? Emotions are running high, so this will just complicate things even more.

If we break up, how are we going to divide everything? Who gets the living room furniture, the bedroom set, the kitchen appliances, etc.

Without the legal document, called a marriage license it is hard to sort out these things when/if the relationship goes bad. It is much easier to get into the mortgage contract than to get out of one.

What happens when one of you decides that they want out of the financial obligations and the relationship? Can you carry the financial load alone or will the house go into foreclosure? Foreclosure does not do any good for your credit history.


What do you say, should a couple marry before purchasing a home together?
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I know it sounds good and feels good to make such a huge step together. Love is blind and we don’t always think about the “what if we break up” scenario. This is real and these things need to be considered. At least if you are married and things don’t work out, that piece of paper makes things a lot easier.

Not saying that every unmarried couple who buys a house together will break up. Things may work out just fine. All I’m saying is that a couple should consider the options before entering into such a big financial obligation. Don’t be that couple who ends up on one of those TV court shows, expecting the judge to figure it out and sort through it. I’m joking, but I’m not joking. You get the point.

Diversity Topic

Light or Dark Skin. What’s In a Complexion?

Image by billywatsrong from Pixabay

Black people come in a myriad of different skin tones. Due to this, some are discriminated against because they are either too light or too dark to be Black. This discrimination happens within our own community, as well as, by people outside of the Black race. That’s the sad part about it.

Light Skin

Light Skinned Complexion
Photo by Nicole Berro on Pexels

If you are Black and are of a lighter complexion, people think that you are conceited. Some people say that you think you are, “all-that” and that you think you are better than other Black people who have a darker skin tone. While some light skinned people do act that way and fit the description, it is not because of the color of their skin. I attribute those characteristics to the individual person and not their complexion. Just note, that there are darker skinned Black people who possess the same traits. They think they are better than other Black people and there are some who are conceited too.

A perception exists that lighter skinned people are smarter, have more privileges and are more successful than darker skinned people. Being of a lighter complexion leads some people to say that you are not, “black enough”. Just based on your skin tone. Also, there is this kind of acceptance that some people seek just to prove their, “blackness”. This backward thinking is a part of what’s wrong with the world today. It goes back so many years and you would think in the year 2022, we would have progressed.

A person’s success in life depends on the efforts of that individual and not some unfounded belief that it is because they are light skinned. The world is so focused on outward appearance. Nowadays, people don’t take the time to see what others are truly made of and who they are beyond their skin tone.

We can’t help how we were made, and we were made the way we are for a reason. It is no excuse to call people names and insult them because they are not the same complexion as you. Light skinned people have been called derogatory names like red bone, high yellow, light skin, and pale face, just to name a few.

Dark Skin

Dark Skinned Complexion
Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash

Being a Black person and having a dark skin tone comes with some negative preconceptions too. People think that if you are dark skinned that you are unintelligent, unsuccessful and not attractive. Again, this is so superficial and another stereotype that needs to be broken. Some people with a dark skinned complexion feel the need to compete with light skinned people. Meaning, that some women go to the extreme of bleaching their skin. I attribute this to the pressures of society to fit some unrealistic mold.

Darker skinned people are just as smart, beautiful, and successful as people of lighter skin tones. It can be hard for some to truly believe this when everyday someone tries to make them feel otherwise. We have to erase the color lines and lift each other up. It is so unfair to judge someone by their complexion before getting to know them. People of darker skin tones get labeled as, “too ethnic” and are passed up for certain career opportunities.

Some negative names that dark-skinned women have been called are jigaboo, darkie, black and burnt. Imagine what this does to a person’s psyche. There are many more derogatory names that people of both light and dark skin tones are called but this is just the abbreviated version. I truly believe that you should not navigate your life based on what other’s think of you. Pave your own way and don’t worry about people’s opinion.


Your complexion should not influence how far you go in life. My advice is to believe in yourself and go for what you want in life. It’s okay if you get passed up for an opportunity. That means it wasn’t for you and there is something else out there. Keep going! Do not be discouraged! It’s hard enough out here being judged by the masses. Why are we being judged by our own too? Let’s embrace each other and help each other out.


Can You Answer This? Is the North or South a Better Place to Live?

Jersey City Light Rail
Jersey City Light Rail- Image by Bruce Emmerling froThm Pixabay


If you have ever been anywhere up North, you know that most places are full of energy. Living in the North gives you street knowledge that you can take with you, no matter where you go. You might think that street knowledge is nothing but it really is valuable.

There is always something to do or somewhere to go up North. Let’s say that you wake up at 1:00 am and want a sandwich. Well, you can go to the corner Bodega and get a Pastrami sandwich, Ham and Cheese or a Veggie. They used to sell Buttered rolls on a Kaiser bun too. I know you might say, who wants a sandwich with just butter?! Don’t knock it until you try it. Maybe you want a slice of pizza, you can probably get that too at the Pizzeria.

A lot places up North stay open late so you can go out and have a good time. Stay as long as you want and not have to rush home. Living in the North costs a little more and you don’t get as much space for your buck. If you want a little more “plush” in your neighborhood, living in South Jersey is nice. Pennsylvania has some nice parts as well that are not all concrete. Connecticut is also a nice state. You can find nice parts in about all the States.

Some of the things to look out for living in the North are people trying to rob you. It is a little stressful living up north with the traffic and aggressive drivers. You have to always be on guard and watching your surroundings. The minute someone sees you slippin’, that’s when you will get got! Don’t speak to people you don’t know and do not, repeat DO NOT stare at anyone up North. This is not a good thing.

The Good

  • The North has neighborhood schools. Kids can go to school with people they know and who live in their neighborhood. They are not riding a noxious school bus for hours to and from school.
  • Convenient lifestyle. You can find anything you want or need at virtually any time of day or night.
  • Plenty of things to do and places to go. There is an abundance of places to go and things to do.
  • Higher salaries. People make more money living up North compared to salaries down South.
  • Wide selection of clothing. There is no shortage of places to go shopping. It is not hard to find a last-minute outfit for any occasion.
  • Easy to get around. You can take the bus, train, Uber, Lyft, etc or better yet, walk. You are not dependent on a car to get from point A to B.

The Bad

  • The North also comes with higher cost of living for smaller spaces.
  • Higher crime rates are also in a lot of Northern parts of the world.
  • Densely populated areas make for more cramped living.
  • Most parts of the North are concrete. A lot of locations do not have a lot of grass or trees.
  • The noise level with people blowing the horn.


Suburb in the South
Suburb in the South-Photo by Johnson Johnson on Unsplash

The South is a lot greener compared to its Northern counterparts. There are a lot of trees and grass to be found. Your money can stretch a lot further with real estate in the South. You get a lot more land, interior space and amenities for your money. The environment in the South is a lot more laid back and relaxed. Everyone is not in such a rush; most of the time.

The Good

  • Greener pastures. More trees and grass make for better air quality.
  • Slower pace. Less stressful than living up North. Most people in the South move at their own pace, very slowly.
  • Friendly people.
  • More amenities for your money when it comes to housing.
  • Lower cost of living; but some parts of the South are catching up to the North.

The Bad

  • Busing to and from school. Some kids have to ride a school bus and the ride can last up to 2 hours. Kids are zoned in schools that may not be close to where they live.
  • Humid climate. If you like the heat but without the added humidity, the South may not be for you.
  • Car dependent. You have to drive to most places in the South. A lot of southern areas have limited or no public transportation.

As you can see, both parts of the world have their good points and bad. It all depends on your lifestyle and your personal preferences. You might prefer more space and a lower salary. You might prefer to live close to other people and being able to get around easily. Where do you think is the better place to live, up North or down South?