
What is your Favorite Christmas Movie?

What is your favorite Christmas movie? The holiday season is here. During this time of year, there are a ton of holiday movies playing. You can watch an animated version, a Christmas comedy, a romance or the regular kind. A few titles come to mind when I think about some of my favorites.

Home Alone– Kevin gets into all kinds of things when he gets left behind by the family. He comes up with some clever plots to stop would-be burglars who think the house is empty.

This Christmas– This Christmas is a movie about more than the holidays. It is about family, love, and life. I’m sure most of us can relate to at least one character in this movie. There is some good music in this one too.

A Charlie Brown Christmas– This one is a classic, if you like the Peanuts gang! It always puts me in a good mood when I watch it.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas– Jim Carrey (the Grinch) is up to no good in this one.

The Best Man Holiday– Even though this one was a little sad, there is some laughter too.

Black Nativity– Some life lessons and good singing in this one to lift your spirits.

Drop a note and share with us, what is your favorite Christmas movie? Don’t be shy 🙂

Info Topic

Holiday Shopping Gift Ideas

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Holiday Shopping Gift Ideas.

Happy Holidays and Happy shopping! The holiday shopping season is well underway. If you hit a snag and can’t think of a gift to buy for someone, look no further. These black owned businesses have interesting items for women and men. You can find clothing, home items, jewelry, and sleep wear. Check them out and you might find that perfect one-of-a-kind gift. These sites have items from basic everyday essentials to custom made apparels. You will find price points from affordable to expensive. Maybe you want to treat yourself to a Christmas gift. Take a look.

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Image Credit: Adrian from Pixabay

Topic Words of Wisdom

Can You Answer This? Why Are You Thankful?

Can You Answer This? Why Are You Thankful? What are you giving thanks for? We have all heard the saying, this is the season for giving. But I pose the question, what are you giving thanks for? Some of us are thankful to have our health and some are thankful to have their pockets full of cash. Material things are nice to have too but they cannot give you a hug or a kiss. You can’t confide in a new car or electronic device. You can’t cry on the shoulder of a new pair of shoes or other clothing items. You get where I’m going with this.

Give Thanks
Image by Kevin Sanderson from Pixabay

Giving is such a great feeling and it benefits both the giver and the
receiver. As the human race, we all have different paths to walk in life, so there are different things that affect us. The thing to remember is that we only get one chance to do this. We don’t get a do-over. So, I ask again; what are you giving thanks for? Personally, I am thankful for the people in my life. Both near and far. So, be it a roof over your head, a job/career, a car to get back and forth, children, spouse, family. Nothing is too small to measure.

Wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving holiday!!

Stay blessed and be well!


Are you Superstitious?

Superstition Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster

Superstition- a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief

Are you superstitious? What exactly are superstitions? They are things that people perceive as true but really are not. I have heard some of these over the years and just when I thought I heard them all; another one pops up. Which ones have you heard and/or believe in?

Black Cat and Friday the 13th
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
  • Don’t step on the crack in the sidewalk
  • If a penny is on tails don’t pick it up
  • You will have bad luck if a black cat crosses your path
  • Keep the chain letter going or you will have 7 years of bad luck
  • Don’t split the pole when walking with another person
  • Something bad always happens on Friday the 13th
Four leaf clover
Image by Simon from Pixabay
  • Umbrellas should not be opened indoors
  • Four leaf clovers are good luck
  • If a bird poops on you it is good luck
  • Rubbing a rabbit’s foot brings good luck
  • It’s good luck to knock on wood
  • If you break a mirror you will have bad luck
Broken Mirror
Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay

So, thinking about the things you have heard do you think any of these things are true? Are you superstitious?


Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary! It has been 1 year since the inception of Inspire By O’Nika- Inspire, Motivate, Uplift. What a very rewarding year and I am so happy to share with all of you. Since starting this blog, I have learned a lot. Thank you for all the love, comments, and feedback. Hope you have enjoyed the content. Looking forward to another year.  

November is Hip Hop History Month

Click the image to read the article on
Hip Hop Music Culture of the 80s and 90s

Let’s review some of the most popular blog posts from this year

Just in case you missed it, below are some of the most read posts published this year. Happy reading, watching and listening! 

Self-Esteem and Why It’s Important

Light or Dark Skin. What’s In a Complexion

The Game of Life; Are You Playing Offense or Defense 

Happy Anniversary to Inspire By O’Nika!

As always, thank you for stopping by.


Can You Answer This? What is Your Take on Re-gifting?

Can You Answer This? What is Your Take on Re-gifting?

The holiday season is upon us. What do you say about re-gifting? Do you think it is perfectly fine to re-gift something that you have received, then give it to someone else? Do you find it rude? Let’s hear what you think about this. If you are someone who believes in re-gifting, are there rules to this? Some people call it recycling, reusing or not wasting. I have also heard it called re-purposing.


I always feel like a gift is a gift. It is the thought that counts. If someone took the time and money to pick something out for me, I appreciate it. I don’t know that I can honestly say, I would be okay with someone re-gifting a present I gave to them. Something to think about. Where do you stand on the subject?

Info Topic

November is the Month to Remember

November is the month to remember for many reasons. It’s the eleventh month and one more to go to see the new year in 2023!! Wow, where has the time gone? We have Thanksgiving, a time to give thanks and reflect on all our blessings. A time to be with family, friends and loved ones. Veterans day to also give thanks to the ones who fought for the country. Read on for more.

Men Make Dinner Day

Man getting his cook on
Image by Sasha Kim on pexels

November 3– This day is for the men who do not usually cook dinner. It is a chance for the man to make a meal and dive into an area that they may not have before. Let the man make the meal for the family or just for himself. Some men may not have ever considered cooking for many reasons. Some feel that this is strictly for women, some may not have had anyone in their lives to teach them how to cook. This is definitely a skillset that all men should have. Get your burn on!!

Daylight Savings Time Ends

Waking up from that extra hour of sleep
Image by Miriam Alonso on pexels

November 6– Daylight savings time is when the clocks are moved ahead one hour. This allows for more daylight hours during the springtime. Hence, the term spring forward. November is when we set the clocks back one hour. There has been debate about this since it negatively affects sleep for a lot of people. During the Fall season, most of the day is dark. Depending on what state you live in, you don’t have to be concerned with this at all. Not all of the United States take part in DST.

Hip Hop History Month

Image by Benjamin Wiens from Pixabay

November is now declared hip hop history month. Hip Hop has influenced the cultures of art, fashion, and music. Although, hip hop has changed over the decades it is still relevant and has shaped many of us who have grown up listening to hip hop music. It is arguably one of the most influential genres of music. Check out Know Ya Hip Hop – Universal Hip Hop Museum ( and learn more about the artists who made this form of music so popular.

Election Day

Image by Mary Pahlke from Pixabay

November 8-Election Day is your chance to make your voice heard. This is your chance to exercise your right as a citizen, taxpayer, etc. I hear some people say that voting doesn’t matter and their one vote does not count. Your vote most certainly does matter and it does count! It is too bad that there is voter fraud going on and people trying to dissuade certain groups away from the polls. It is just the world we live in today. Do not be discouraged. Get your vote in. If you do not participate, don’t complain later about the outcome of who gets elected.

Veteran’s Day

November 11-Veteran’s Day is a day of thanks and recognition to all military members who have fought for our country. Some have lost their lives in the fight for many freedoms we enjoy today. Let’s give praise and thanks to those who have selflessly given so much. Also, lets remember the families of military members. It can be very challenging and also rewarding for them as well. They deserve recognition too.

World Kindness Day

November 13– Show the kinder side of yourself. We all have one. Remember to be kind and maybe you want to show random acts of kindness. It does not have to be anything fancy. Consider saying something nice to someone, maybe opening a door for someone, write a nice sticky note with a few words. Keep it simple. It is the thought that counts. Taking time to acknowledge or think of someone else is a good feeling. Being kind is also contagious and it might start a trend and make people smile more and lift up the mood of many. What do you have to lose? While you are being kind, don’t forget to also include yourself. We can be hard on ourselves at times.

Peanut Butter Lovers Month

Peanut butter is versatile. You can eat it any time of the day. It comes in the smooth variety or with peanuts (chunky). You can also buy it with the jelly mixed in already. It also is good for the heart and full of potassium and protein. If you love peanut butter there are many recipes out there to try. Peanut butter can be eaten plain, or in candy, ice cream, cookies, etc.

What do you call the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth? Arachibutyrophobia. Try saying that fast, five times.

Black Marketers Day

Black marketers in a meeting
Image by Christina Morillo on pexels

November 16– National Black Marketers Day gives credit to often overlooked marketers in the black community. The success and efforts of black marketers often goes unnoticed. There are over 60% of black people in the marketing industry. On this day you can show support by shopping with black businesses. Despite the worth of the black consumer, underrepresentation still exists in areas of healthcare and banking. The magazines, Jet and Ebony were published through the Johnson Publishing Company, which is one of the first media businesses by black people.


Image by Monika from Pixabay

November 24– The Thanksgiving holiday is a chance to bring families together over a meal. Usually, the main course is a turkey, but some families make ham or a roast. You decide, there is no right or wrong answer. We can also enjoy some good desserts like sweet potato pie, apple pie, ice cream, cobbler and cake. On Thanksgiving there are sports playing on television and classic holiday movies to enjoy. Give thanks on this day and enjoy a meal with friends, family and loved ones. Think about your blessings and all the people in your life and things that you are thankful for. Thanksgiving is truly a day of reflection.

Sweet Potato Awareness Month

Sweet potatoes are a healthy, starchy vegetable. What better time to bring awareness to sweet potatoes then the month of November; think Thanksgiving and sweet potato pie and yams. These potatoes can be cooked in many different ways. You can fry, bake, mash or boil them. They are often used as a healthier alternative to regular potatoes. The sweetness of them also means that you don’t need to add any additional sugar to give them flavor. The health benefits include vitamins A and C. They are also good for anyone trying to lose weight. Full of antioxidants and other nutrients, you can see why they are such an appealing food source.

Pomegranate Season

It is pomegranate season, and this fruit is packed with healthy nutrients. They are a tasty fruit but do require some work to eat. Be aware that if you spill any of the juice from a pomegranate, clean it up quickly. The juice from this fruit will stain your countertop, cutting board and clothing. Pomegranates are low in fat and calories but have high fiber content. The edible seeds of this fruit are sweet and juicy. Get some pomegranate in your life.


Looking Into the Splendor

Looking into the Splendor
Image by Mick Haupt on Unsplash
Looking into the splendor
Beyond the door I see light 
Openness, growth and happiness
Beyond the door I see life
A place so full of opportunity

But, behind the door is another thing entirely
Behind the door there is darkness
Gloom, sadness and no excitement

Cross the threshold, into the light
Feel the openness as you entertain things outside of your realm of reality
Experience the growth, as you come to your own conclusion
Bask in the happiness, only you can make this happen
Life is all around us in physical form, but some rely more on the digital world
Opportunity abounds, just open your eyes and choose to see

Looking into the splendor

---O'Nika McGill---

What do you see # 158- October 31, 2022
Written in response to Sadje's prompt #158, What do you see?

Self Awareness Topic

Unseen and Unheard

Speaking to someone in passing
Saying, hello
They seem to just look over you
Like you aren't there

Asking a question
The silence creeps in
No one replies
Hello, is anyone there?

Being seen and heard
Not much to ask
Doesn't cost anything
No credit card or cash

Perhaps it's lazy lips
No need to part your mouth
In an effort, to be civil or kind
Just keep your head down looking south

Are you that self-centered
Too busy to speak
How does it feel when it happens to you
You are not so unique

Get out of your head
Come back down to earth
Live in the real world
Not in a fictional place instead

Too much of a burden to exchange a greeting?
To smile or wave to someone in passing
Just a simple gesture between people
Try it, it is not so fleeting

--O'Nika McGill--
Self Awareness Topic

Chasing Away the Chaos

Chasing away the chaos
Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay

Chasing away the chaos. Ever wonder when you turn on the TV if there will be good news? The war in Ukraine is still ongoing. Gun violence is still rampant. Gas prices are on the rise, once again. Food prices are steadily increasing. Housing costs are through the roof. Is there any relief in sight?

The chaos that goes on today poses a question about what to do to find some semblance of calm? One way to chase away the chaos is to stop watching the news. I can’t remember the last time I saw something good on the news. While it is imperative to stay informed about what’s going on, it is also sad and depressing.

Changing the world is no easy task but we can start with changing the way we see things. Look at things in a positive light and focus on that. It is very easy to fall into the negative zone and the gloom and doom takes over. Think of someone who always has something to complain about. Something is always a problem, or they are always, “in their feelings”.

Things may not be sweet all the time but there is always something positive in every situation. In some cases, people choose to focus on the negative aspect. Why is that?

Below is a previous article about inner peace. Maybe it will help with chasing away the chaos in your world. I hope it sheds some light and helps to turn things around for those going through a dark situation.


Morning Motivation

Morning Motivation
Image by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Morning Motivation

Onto things
Vivid images in an
Almost perfect
Time of reflection
Ongoing and uplifting

---O'Nika McGill---

Written in response to Sadje’s prompt#156

What do you see #156- October 17, 2022


Independent by Choice or Force

Independent by Choice or Force
Photo by Nicolas Thomas on Unsplash

Independent by choice or force, which are you? Someone who is independent does not rely or count on outside things. An independent person may also be considered self-sufficient. Being independent comes with both positive and negative judgements. Let us look at both sides of the coin.

Independent by choice

I got this
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

A person who is independent by choice may be seen as egotistical, head-strong, unyielding or even arrogant. People who choose to be independent are those who feel they have something to prove. They have to show others that they can do for themselves without assistance from anyone else. They have it in their mind that if someone helps them, they are weak. Maybe people will see them as incompetent. On the other hand, they may feel like they owe someone who lends a helping hand. Having access to resources but not using them is another way to exhibit being independent by choice. If you have a support system but choose to do everything yourself and not accept help, then this would be a choosey independent.

Independent by force

Mom working at home with the kids
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto: on Pexels

Being independent by force is more of a survivalist style of living. If you are independent by force it means that you do not have a support system and have to mostly rely on yourself. There are no close friends or relatives in easy reach that you can call on. In this case, you only have you. It takes a lot to deal with and handle everything that is necessary for everyday life. Especially, if you have medical and/or physical limitations, or are economically strapped for cash.

In some of these cases, people will just give up because they are tired. Mentally and physically exhausted. Even when local resources are available, you may not be able to get to the place to receive services. For example, someone without a car does not have a ride to sign up for services. Some individuals may not have fare to ride public transportation, even if this is available in their area. It is difficult to be in this situation, but some people manage just fine. They have it in their mind that they have to get it done and find a way.

Independence in relationships

Man offering helping hand
Photo by Robin Kutesa on Pexels

In relationships, this is a topic that rears its ugly head. Some of our sistas are out here being strong and independent. That’s cool, that is great, but… don’t overdue it and make your man feel that he cannot do for you. I know it can be hard at times to let the wall down and let someone get close to you. This mindset of having the wall up and being independent comes from being a product of your environment, in some cases.

Meaning, we have single mothers taking care of the kids alone. The fathers are not around for whatever reason. Sista’s in relationships with men who are not holding up their end of the relationship. Being a bum and letting the woman carry them. This behavior is enabling and can only have a negative effect on the relationship in the long run.

Holding your own is a wonderful thing and gives you purpose and a feeling that you can do for yourself. Beware, shutting your partner out will cause a divide. Just know that your man wants to feel like a man and be there for you too. Let him in. Let him feel important in the relationship, like he can be there for you, the same way you are for him.

Independent by Choice or Force

Sometimes we can’t help our circumstances. We can only do our best to make sure that we maintain our livelihood. Just remember, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Especially, if you are in a position to seek assistance from those close to you. We all can use a helping hand at one time or another in life.

On the other hand, there are individuals who do not care to do anything for themselves. They just wait around and if something happens it happens but if not, then oh well. This type of mindset does not make for being a productive person. Life is so short. We have to try our best to make things happen.

Let us be a participant in life and not a spectator.

Info Topic

Hello October

Image by Screamenteagle from Pixabay

Hello October! This time of year we see the leaves changing colors. We feel the cooler weather. After all, Fall is here. October brings light to some health concerns and social issues. October is also a good time of year to go through closets and make room for the things we need for the colder weather. Continue reading to see what’s happening this month.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink Ribbon
Image by Satheesh Sankaran from Pixabay

October helps to bring awareness to breast cancer and the people affected by it. Early detection is key in treatment for this health condition. Various health organizations educate about the importance of screening. Also, they provide resources about how and where to obtain mammograms. It may not be the most comfortable thing to discuss with a health care provider, but this exam is very important. Supporting a friend/family member with breast cancer is no easy feat but the internet has information about how to support a loved one who is affected by it. Breast cancer affects both men and women.

Handbag Day- Oct 10th

Image by TJ Free from Pixabay

Handbags are for everyday use. You can also showcase your style with a handbag. Some people call it a purse or pocketbook (where I come from). They come in many different colors, styles, shapes and sizes. What is your personal style? If you don’t have a favorite bag, maybe you want to buy the one that you have been eyeing for a while. Why not, treat yourself. Today take a minute to show off your favorite handbag on social media.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day- Oct 10th

Image by Daniel from Pixabay

The second Monday of October is Indigenous Peoples’ Day. A day to commemorate and recognize the history of Native Americans. President Joe Biden made this a holiday in 2021. Currently, only 14 states and D.C. (District of Columbia) recognize this as a holiday. This is a day to stand up and honor their history and culture. The indigenous people have endured atrocities, often omitted from formal teaching in schools. Some ways to learn more are to listen to podcasts, watch on-demand videos and documentaries, visiting a museum that has exhibits about indigenous people and reading books written by indigenous authors.

Global Handwashing Day- Oct 15th

Photo by Monstera on Pexels

Handwashing Day is a simple but important concept. Most people wash their hands regularly which helps to prevent the spread of illnesses. Just think about how “germy” everyday things we use are. Remote controls, cell phones, light switches, toilets, steering wheels, elevator buttons and doorknobs. All these things are heavily touched. Therefore, the quick and simple process of washing our hands with soap should not be ignored. Before/after eating are good times to wash hands. After using the bathroom is very important. Before/after preparing a meal are good times to wash hands too. Gastrointestinal and respiratory illnesses can be prevented by washing hands.

Happy Birthday Libras and Scorpios

lmage by Dorothe from Pixabay
Image by Dorothe from Pixabay

International Internet Day- Oct 29th

The internet has changed the way we communicate with each other. We can instantly stay in touch with people, complete work assignments, and promote our businesses. Keeping in touch with friends and loved ones is easier and more convenient. Another perk that the internet provides is the ability to shop online. This is especially helpful for seniors and people who do not have a car.

Can you remember the days before the internet? People actually called each other on the phone. Now, they just text. Kids played outside with each other and talked to each other, face to face. Imagine that! These days, you can just sit behind your screen and have very little in-person interaction. Although, the internet has created significant benefits it has some downsides too. A couple of things are the significant amount of time wasted using the internet and decreased socialization. You get the idea!

Halloween- Oct 31st

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

Every year kids and adults alike, get dressed up in costumes. Lots of pumpkins are carved to celebrate this day. Streets are lined with Halloween decorations, like ghosts, witches, black cats, spiders, and bats. On this day, children dress up and go trick-or-treating. Going door to door to collect as much candy as possible. Adults get dressed up and have parties. People even buy costumes for their pets too. What is your favorite Halloween tradition or candy?


Majestic Observation

Image by Arleen Wiese on Unsplash

Majestic Observation

Majestic eyes
see many a thing
some of which
makes my heart sing

People take one look at me
they often wonder
is this a fierce beast
or do I see majesty

A big lion with small eyes
eyes that observe much
from a vantage point fit
for the likes of a lion and such

Such beauty in the wild
things that we ignore
slow down, take stock
these things you will flock

Flock to observe these majestic creatures
their imposing size, big mane
mighty roar, intoxicating gaze
among other features

A fierce beast or a big cat
what do you see?

---O'Nika McGill---

Written in response to Sadje's picture prompt #153
What do you see # 153 September 26,2022


Love and Acceptance

Love and Acceptance

Image by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Holding you close
Showing you love
Is what mothers do
A bundle of joy, so pure like a dove

As Mom’s doing our best
Protecting from the elements
Of hurt, pain and disappointments
Is something that one must not jest

A child and their mother
Is a lifeline like no other
Hearing your child’s laughter
Is a sound not comparable to another

Seeing your child grow
Acceptance encompassing you both
Supporting notions and dreams
Sharing with each other, letting them know

Through a mother’s embrace
You are loved and accepted

– – -O’Nika McGill- – –

In response to picture prompt what do you see #152