
Have I Told You Lately?

Image credit; Alisa Dyson Pixaby

Have I Told You Lately?

You are my mom, tried and true
You cheer me up, when I am blue
When I need a hug, you are there
I can turn to you, when it’s too much to bear

You take me to the park
I can see the dogs play and bark
You make me laugh and smile
You wear motherhood with much style

Thank you for being my mother
Your role, invaluable, like no other
Have I told you lately?
You are loved by me, greatly

---O'Nika McGill---

Have I Told You Lately? is written in response to prompt by Sadje,

Have I Told You Lately? first appeared on Inspire By O’Nika.


Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month

Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

May is mental health awareness month and it is a time to bring awareness to the challenges faced by many people across the world. Mental health does not discriminate and can affect individuals of all backgrounds and age groups.

Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month takes place during the month of May. It can be caused by genetics, childhood trauma, physical or emotional abuse. A person with BPD may exhibit dangerous behaviors. Symptoms may manifest by:

  • Abusing substances, like drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Real or imagined feelings of abandonment.
  • Emptiness or feelings of loneliness.
  • Suicidal tendencies.
  • Risky sexual behaviors.
  • Fits of uncontrolled anger.

Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness month is a time to encourage those diagnosed with BPD to talk about and highlight their strengths. The more people can talk about it the more it is understood and can help lessen the stigma. A person with BPD may have trouble with relationships, thinking and overall emotions in stressful moments. Other mental health concerns may occur with BPD.

Seeking help through therapy may lessen the effects of BPD and help the individuals improve their lifestyle. Treatment may include medication depending on the symptoms. Of course, there is no one-size-fits all approach. If you know someone who lives with the disorder this is a good time to learn more about it. Educate yourself and share with others so that it is better understood.

BPD is more prevalent among women. Also, it affects teen and adult populations. Let’s learn about the disorder and show compassion so that people will have hope and feel supported.


Can You Answer This? Is a Cat or Dog a Better Pet?

Image by G.C. from Pixabay

So, you are thinking about getting a household companion? While pets are cute and cuddly, they also come with responsibility. Before you adopt a pet think about what you are taking on. The last thing we want to happen is for a pet to be adopted and then sent back to the animal shelter. And who knows where they will end up from there.

Cats are a very independent species. They are nocturnal too, so keep that in mind. While you are trying to sleep, they might be up to shenanigans. Cats are self-sufficient, with cleaning themselves. They need fresh food and water. Also, their litter box should be cleaned often. Keep plenty of cat toys available too. They love to paw at things. The laser light keeps them occupied too. Felines have razor sharp, quick reflexes.

If you have a rodent problem, cats will keep that at bay. Sitting in the window is another past time that they like. I’m not sure why but some cats do not like you touching their bellies. Beware of the claws.

Dogs are another great and loyal household companion. They require more attention, with the need for daily walks. Dogs are great protectors and can ward off people with ill intent. Some dogs will destroy the house out of boredom. Make sure you have time to invest in your four-legged companion. Canines, like felines need toys, fresh food and water.

Both cats and dogs help to relieve stress. They give us a feeling of happiness. Another thing that is great, is that they are judgement free. They will love us just like we love them too. I think the answer depends on your energy level, household makeup, lifestyle and finances.

So, can you answer this? Is a cat or dog a better pet? What do you say?

Topic Words of Wisdom

7 Days to Inspire, Part 7, Embrace Your Passion

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 7 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 7 is the letter “E” for embrace your passion.


Embrace your passion video

Embrace your Passion

Whatever you feel strong about, do it! Don’t wait. Embrace your passion and see where it takes you. Even if people try to discourage you and advise you otherwise, just go for what you know! At least if you try, you will never wonder, “what if?”. If you want to be a photographer, do it. If you want to open a food truck, do it. You cannot live life worrying about what others think. You are living and embracing your passion not theirs.

I-Infuse Good Vibes
N- Never Say Never
S- Shoot the Gift
P- Practice Patience
I- Indulge the Senses
R- Remember the Essence of Who You Are
E- Embrace Your Passion

I hope you enjoyed my mini-message series. Thank you for stopping by.

Topic Words of Wisdom

7 Days to Inspire, Part 6, Remember the Essence of Who You Are

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 6 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 6 is the letter “R” for remember the essence of who you are.


Remember the Essence of Who You Are

It can be tempting to lose ourselves in the busyness of work, home and family obligations. We must remember the essence of who we are. After all, if we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t take care of anyone else.

If you find yourself going off course, just begin again. If you have missed a few days of exercise. Start again. If you have gone off your diet, start again. Don’t feel guilty, we are only human. Give yourself a break.

People can be critical of others. So, my suggestion is not to let judgements and criticism bring you down. It is paramount that we find those things that keep us grounded and centered at our true essence. Surround yourself with people and things that inspire and not hinder or discourage. Go on an exploration and do new things that make you feel happy.

If you have a fighting spirit, don’t give up. Remember the soldier that you are. If you are a gentle, kind spirit. Remember the sweetheart that you are. Make no apologies for the person you are.

Topic Words of Wisdom

7 Days to Inspire, Part 5, Indulge the Senses

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 5 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 5 is the letter “I” for indulge the senses.


Indulge the Senses

Take in everything around you. Draw out the positive and use it for guidance during those difficult moments.

Indulge the senses, take in your surroundings with your eyes. Watch how things move. The trees in the wind, the clouds in the sky, the sun and the moon. Watch the birds and squirrels. Watch people. Look at the beautiful brownstones.

Indulge the senses, take in the aromas. Smell that herbal tea or flavored coffee. Smell the outside air and the grass. What memories do those smells evoke? Does the grass make you think of camp as a kid growing up. Does the coffee make you feel happy, de-stressed?

Indulge the senses, hear the sounds. When you wake and hear the birds do they make you happy or are you annoyed? Those friends in flight can be noisy at times, I have to admit. 🙂 Listen to the traffic going by. Thinking about all the people moving about. Where are they going, where are they coming from? Listen to your favorite music. Where does it take you?

Indulge the senses, taste the sweetness. How sweet is a Macintosh Apple or the taste of Red Moscato? When that hot tea with lemon and honey hits the taste buds, so soothing to the throat. How about that Welch’s Grape Soda with the Sabrett Hot Dog.

Indulge the senses, feel the relaxation of a massage. Relax in a warm bath and feel the water wrap you in its warmth. Feel the softness of a throw blanket. If you are a pet owner, give them a belly or head rub. Take a walk on the beach, feel the sand. Give your loved ones a big squeeze.

Topic Words of Wisdom

7 Days to Inspire, Part 4, Practice Patience

Image by bknis from Pixabay

Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 4 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 4 is the letter “P” for practice patience.


Patience is a virtue right? Lets try practicing patience with ourselves and others. It can be easy to demonstrate patience with others but be so hard on ourselves, at times. We are all in this world trying to navigate and we are learning every day. That is the beauty of life.

If you make a mistake, forgive yourself. It’s not the end of the world. The easier we become at forgiving ourselves, the more we can open our hearts to forgive others. When we are sitting in traffic, have patience. Just think about arriving safely. If the barista is really slow at serving up your drink order, have patience. Maybe he/she is new and trying to learn the job. We all had a first day somewhere, right?

Patience affords us the ability to keep stress away or at least lessen the effects of it. If someone accidentally steps on your sneakers, there is no reason to bring violence into it. Let’s remember to be slow to anger and quick to forgive.

Topic Words of Wisdom

7 Days to Inspire, Part 3, Shoot the Gift

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 3 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 3 is the letter “S” for shoot the gift.


Shoot the Gift

If you have the gift of gab, use it. Let your natural talent be heard. Being lyrically inclined does not come easily to everyone. If you can come up with rhymes off the top of your head, show your skills. Write your poems and do not be shy about it. If you are too shy to perform your lyrical gifts in public. Do it at home, in the shower or in the mirror. Demonstrate your gift in verbal, written or both ways. Try practicing by recording your lyricism or post on your social media platform. The more you practice the more you will perfect your craft. There is so much power in words. If you possess the ability to flow with your words, consider yourself lucky. Speaking through your life helps to change lives.

Topic Words of Wisdom

7 Days to Inspire, Part 2, Never Say Never

Image by Kati from Pixabay

Welcome to 7 days to inspire. Each day I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 2 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 2 is the letter “N” for never say never.


Never Say Never

It’s never too late to pursue your dream. No matter how big or small. The key is to start. You don’t have to figure out all the details in a day. Just start. Never think you will get your dream home? Start saving and researching programs for homebuyers. Never think you will find love? It will come your way when you least expect it. That job promotion is in reach. You will make your weight loss goal. Just keep working for it and stay focused. Speak what you want into existence. Put it out there in the universe. Believe it will happen.

Believe that you can and you will!

Topic Words of Wisdom

7 Days to Inspire, Part 1, Infuse Good Vibes

Photo by Graphe Tween on Unsplash

Welcome to 7 days to inspire. For the next seven days I will be sending a daily message. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 1 of the mini-message series of inspiration. We will start with the letter “I” for infuse good vibes.


Watch video below and enjoy.

Infuse Good Vibes

Video- Infuse Good Vibes

Diversity Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

What’s On the Exterior

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What’s on the exterior is not a reflection of the whole person. This message is to young girls and anyone who feels like they do not measure up. Society has women in this cookie-cutter image. Just know that we are versatile. Inner beauty, self-love and confidence is what we are made of. Do not let other people define who you are.

The world we live in today is very shallow and based on outer looks. People sometimes only look at the exterior with no further thought about the entire person. There is nothing wrong with being beautiful. After you get past the beauty what is inside? Do you want to be judged only by how you look? In some industries, beauty is paramount in your success in that particular field. But make sure you are being true to yourself.

Self-love is very important. If people gravitate to you because you look a certain way, but you feel like you are less than. Ask yourself, “what is wrong with this picture?”. Just remember that no one is perfect. At the end of the day, we are all human. Don’t beat yourself up if you feel like you do not “fit the mold” of what society says you should look like. Love the skin you are in.

If you have big thighs, so what. Embrace it and make it your strength. If your lips are fuller than the masses. Guess what; God made you that way for a reason. Love those lips, they are uniquely yours. It does not matter what your nose looks like or your feet. Have compassion and love for yourself. Accept yourself how you are. If anyone does not recognize the beauty you are inside, love yourself anyway!

“You cant rely on how you look to sustain you, what sustains us, what is fundamentally beautiful is compassion; for yourself and for those around you.”

Lupita Nyong’o

Self Awareness Topic

Pay Attention to the Road

Looking at the phone and not the road

What should you do when operating a motor vehicle? Pay attention to the road. Keep the distractions and other activities at bay. Simply by giving attention to the task of driving can save so many lives. It can also, lessen the number of car accidents. Let’s face it, we do not want the hassle of dealing with police, car insurance companies, a total stranger and all that comes from being involved in a car crash.

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Every time we get behind the wheel of a car, we need to think about the ramifications of driving distracted. Fatal car crashes happen, all too often and people get seriously hurt.

Distracted driving, what is it?

Driving and not totally engaging on the task at hand. If you have to look away from the road or take your hands off the wheel, you are driving while distracted. Operating a motor vehicle is serious business. These days people take it for granted and are overconfident while behind the wheel. Even if you are a skilled driver, you still have to drive defensively due to all the other cars on the road.

Some examples of distracted driving are eating while behind the wheel, applying makeup, talking or texting on the cell phone, and using GPS. Basically, anything that requires you to take your hands off the steering wheel or take your eyes off the road. Tending to small children in the car while in motion or driving with pets unrestrained can lead to distractions. Even for very short periods, this is dangerous.

What can we do?

Slow down and be alert. Keep in mind and take into account your surroundings. Where you are driving and be proactive about potential dangers. Example is while driving in a parking garage. There are people on foot who can step into your path. Keep in mind, the blind spots. You are in a moving vehicle, they are on foot. Watch for people who may be walking in the parking garage.

Park the car while you are eating. Do not start the engine and get on the road while you are eating food or drinking. Especially, hot beverages like coffee or tea, which can scald you if you spill your beverage. Eating requires you to use only one hand while driving and the other hand is holding the food. You can easily lose control while you only have one hand free to drive.

Apply your makeup at home before leaving the house. Get up earlier and make sure you apply your face before endangering the lives of others. You cannot focus on the road and drive safely, while you are looking in the mirror and putting on eye makeup, lipstick, etc.

Pull over and put the car in park if you need to text or call. It only takes a few extra minutes to ensure your safety and other drivers on the road. Too often I see people driving down the road with the cell phone and both hands on top of the wheel while they are texting. Or, the dead giveaway, is when the driver is looking down instead of straight ahead at the road. Better yet, keep the cell phone out of reach while driving.

Using GPS, global positioning systems are a great tool to have on the road. It also creates a distraction while driving. One way to use it safely is to pull over. Depending on the car you drive or the kind of GPS you are using, it may require you to take your eyes off the road and/or at least one hand.

Pay Attention to the Road

Another form of distracted driving is being on the road while under the influence. Whether you have been drinking or using other substances, this can severely alter your reaction times. Destroying people’s property and possibly killing someone is not worth it.

Driving while sleepy is another way we are on the road being distracted. If you are sleepy, you may nod out at the traffic light. Also, you may veer into oncoming traffic. It is very dangerous. Pull over and take a nap. Better yet, make sure you are well rested behind getting behind the wheel.

Distracted driving causes fatalities and changes the course of people’s lives forever. What are you going to say to the family of someone that you have murdered with your vehicle? I’m sorry is not going to cut it. Car accidents happen so fast but can also be avoided when we pay attention to the road. Think about pedestrians who may be crossing the street. Driving too fast can cause a person to lose control of the car. Everyone is in a rush these days. Slow down!

What are some tips that you use to cut down or stop distracted driving?

Image credit: Photo by Omar Al-Ghosson on Unsplash

Topic Words of Wisdom

Love Is in the Air for Couple Appreciation Month

Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay

April is Couple Appreciation Month. What a better time of year to let love blossom. After all, April is the month when the flowers bloom and so can the love a couple shares with each other. Not to say that when April is over you go back to being “extra” or whatever version of yourself you were all year long. Just joking, just joking. It’s ok to smile. But, you get my meaning.

Being coupled up is a beautiful thing and has its advantages. You get to share a part of your life with someone. All the moments that make you smile, laugh, cry. You get to celebrate each other. Be it for business successes or other personal milestones in life. When you had a not so nice day, you get to be hugged and comforted by your loved one. You get to create memories together.

April is halfway over so if you haven’t been showing appreciation for your “better half”, there is still time left. I would like to think that when the first of May comes, you continue on. Let the appreciation and love flow throughout the year.

Why is showing appreciation important or even necessary?

  • Appreciation is a form of love
  • It does not cost anything to show it
  • Simple gestures are sometimes, the things that keeps couples together
  • Showing appreciation is unique to each couple
  • It opens doors to more possiblilities and growth in the relationship

Just think about how you felt the last time your partner showed appreciation to you. How did it make you feel? I bet it made you smile and feel loved. Appreciation for your mate is just another extension of your love for that person. Think about something that your partner likes to do or something they enjoy. Make it possible for him/her. Just because. It does not have to be for a special occasion. And do it, without them asking.

Do those things that you haven’t done for a while. Even the ones you can’t talk about out loud; you know those intimate secrets. Go back to your first date or a first for your relationship. Remind your partner of those things that make you smile and the things that you love about them.

Appreciation is in everyone’s budget. There is no excuse. I hear some of you trying to talk yourselves out of this. Just get out of your comfort zone and take the time, take the time; I’ll say again. Take the time. You won’t regret it. Life is short. Enjoy each other.

Here is a list to get you started

  • Make a homemade romantic dinner
  • If you can’t cook, go out to a nice restaurant. Get dressed up and make a night of it.
  • Re-create the most enjoyable date you had in the beginning of the relationship. You know the one where you had “butterflies” in your stomach.
  • Gift your partner their favorite flowers, perfume/cologne
  • Give a sensual massage. Fill in the blanks.
  • Put your dancing shoes on and go out for some dancing and music
  • Go away for a weekend trip, if this is in the budget
  • Take your partner out for a surprise lunch
  • Recite an original poem or spoken word piece about your special someone
  • Remind him/her of all the reasons you fell in love
  • Create a new memory to show your appreciation for the relationship

Hopefully, these items can get you off to a good start. Whatever you do, make it special. Love should be celebrated not just for birthdays, anniversaries, Black Love Day, Valentine’s Day and the like. Every human on this earth needs love. So, show yours in your own unique way and I wish you all a wonderful Couple Appreciation Month.


Pleasure Furlough

Image by Melk Hagelslag from Pixabay

Deep breaths well needed
Respite from a busy life
Take in sights and sounds

—O’Nika McGill—

Diversity Info Topic Words of Wisdom

What Brings You Here April?

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

April is the 4th Month of the year. It is also the beginning of the Spring season. April brings showers to nourish the land for the flowers to bloom and the trees to grow. The zodiac signs, Aries and Taurus fall in the month of April too. Let’s see what else April brings.

Good Friday is April 7th this year. Also known as Easter Friday. This is the day that Christian’s commemorate the day Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. On this holy day, some Christian’s will have special prayer services. People will participate in fasting on Good Friday. Other’s may avoid eating meat. It sounds ironic that a day of death is called good. The name Good Friday was, at one time, called God’s Friday.

Easter Sunday is on April 9th. The day Jesus Christ was resurrected is called Easter. This is one of the most celebrated and observed days of the year. The Christian community holds this day as very important. And with good reason. Church service, meals, prayers and moments of silence are just a few ways that people observe Easter. Coloring of eggs and Easter egg hunts are some events that families indulge in with their children for Easter.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

April 11th is National Eight Track Tape Day. What is an eight track you ask? Well…it is what we used to play music before days of cassette tapes and CDs. You have to be “seasoned” to know what an eight track is. Ford was the first car company to make factory and dealership-installation available in their automobiles. Eight track tapes were popular during the years spanning from the 60-80s. If you are feeling nostalgic, take today to dust off those old eight tracks (if you can find any of them). Take a stroll down memory lane. The days of the eight track tapes may be long gone but they do hold many fond memories during those eras of music.

Image by wongpear from Pixabay

April 17- Haiku Poetry Day. Exhibit your writing skills with a Haiku poem. This style of poetry was started in Japan. A Haiku typically consists of 17 syllables and has three lines. The rules of proper format of a Haiku have changed over time. Have fun with it and write your own Haiku.

Tax Day is April 18th.

National Piñata Day– April 18- National Piñata Day has been around since as early as the 13th century. It has been a tradition in the Chinese, European and Mexican cultures. As you can see, non-Hispanic people participate in Piñata Day too. The bright colored candy containers can be filled with small party favors, candy, gifts and whatever your imagination will allow. A lot of these paper mâché sculptures are in the form of animals, various shapes and some are in the form of faces. While Piñata’s are typically associated with children and parties, they are used for other reasons. Some countries have used them in protest of local politicians and/or causes. I like to associate Piñata’s in a fun way. Even though you have to hit them to get the prizes out, you can make fun games of it. Make your own Piñata. You can find online videos on how to do this.

Photo by santiago filio on Unsplash

Stop Food Waste Day– April 26 Ever wonder how many people can be fed and not go hungry? Many more, if we stopped wasting food. One way to do just that is to only buy as much food as you can use. Bring leftovers the next day for lunch or have it for dinner. Store food in a way so that it does not go bad. The food industry plays a major part and can help to stop the wasting of food. Some restaurants throw the food away at the end of closing. Local shelters could benefit from this food to feed those that are homeless and do not have access to meals.