Can You Answer This? Name something about yourself that you are proud of.
We all have wonderful gifts and personality traits that are unique. Can you name something about yourself that you are proud of? Did you graduate at the top of your class? Maybe you won a medal in gymnastics. You are always the person people confide in because you are a good listener. Generosity may be your thing and you have a big heart.
Name the thing that you are most proud of and feel good about. Don’t be shy. It is healthy to toot your own horn and big yourself up; every so often. Give yourself some flowers because if you don’t, who will? Right?
We have different aspirations in life so no matter if you think it is a small thing, pat yourself on the back, hug yourself. You deserve it and do not diminish your accomplishments in life. If you purchased your first home; big yourself up. If you started your own business, kudos! The new book you published; well done!! Celebrate yourself. If not today, when?
Keep your minds and hearts open for the united states, israel, ukraine and hawaii.
The devastation happening in all parts of the world is heavy. I ask that you keep your hearts, mind and prayers up for everyone affected by the recent and ongoing atrocities against mankind.
It is a time for healing. We need peace, love and harmony.
“In the waves of change, we find our true direction.”
— Author Unknown
The one thing that we can always count on in life is change. It is inevitable. No way to escape or ignore it. Opportunity presents itself in those waves of change. We can adapt to it and make the best of it, or we can use it to find a new direction. Unfolding discoveries about life and ourselves will afford us the chance to learn what we may not have otherwise known.
September 15th is World Afro Day. Embrace those curls and natural hair. Let your coils, twists, braids, locks and afro shine. Wear your style proudly. Natural hair has a story and it is not just about the aesthetics. Although, it doesn’t hurt. It’s about much more. Think culture and history.
Black people and some people of mixed-race who wear their natural hair have faced discrimination because of their hair texture. Michelle De Leon started World Afro Day back in 2017. It is a cause to raise awareness and to educate about afro-centric hair. Society has instilled shame on people who have kinky or tight curly hair. It has long been a thing that if you had “textured” hair that you should implement some kind of straightening. Methods such as using a hot comb to straighten hair, or applying chemicals like Vigorol liquid, and relaxers are used.
These methods are harmful because there is risk of burning the scalp and skin. Not to mention, the long-term effects of the chemicals in these straightening products. Some people felt like they had to conform to societal pressures in order to get hired for a job. Also, to feel accepted.
Women from some Hispanic cultures, like the Dominican Republic also are stigmatized for having curly hair. They have faced pressures to have bone straight hair; hence the blow out styles. These blow outs use excessive heat which can have lasting damage to hair.
On World Afro Day, show your pride for afro hair. Post pictures on social media or share your hair experiences with others. The more people who understand about the afro hair culture the more will accept and embrace it. Rock those afro puffs, cornrows, box braids, afro or whatever style you wish! Because you can!
Sunday; a day of rest
Come dressed in your Sunday best
The doors of the church are open
Walking through the door, appreciation of token
Monday, starts the work week
Get your body and mind in gear
Walk through the door smiling
Awaiting life lessons are near
Tuesday, one workday down
Come to yoga class or meditation
The exercise will release any trepidation
about the upcoming week ahead
Wednesday, mid-week is here
Unload your cares on me
Free your body and mind
Come and talk it out
Thursday, one day away from the weekend
Tidy up any closet clutter
Bag up those old clothes
Take them to the donation center
Friday, well what else is there to say
The weekend has arrived
Come over for cocktails
We can talk and just vibe
Saturday. Thought you would never show up
Come in, take a minute to reflect
Spiritual, work, body and mental health
Aspects of cleansing and socialization
Just remember, the door is open.
Why don't you come?
The door is open. Why don't you come was first published on Inspire By O'Nika and written in response to Sadje's prompt.
A canopy of protection is a place that most are familiar with and frequent very often. If you don’t recognize it, then you may want to make some adjustments. The canopy of protection is not a place that you invite everyone. It takes special and select people to be allowed to enter. This is a place that you create and set the tone. If anyone dares to defile it, then they must be escorted out. Do not allow anyone to darken, your canopy of protection or cause it to collapse. It is one of the few places where you can truly be you and not have to make any apologies. Be your true self and make it as loud or as peaceful as you want.
Where is your canopy?
Your canopy of protection is anywhere you want it to be. It can be physical or mental. What do I mean? A physical canopy of protection can be a place like your home, the park, a restaurant. The place you sleep at night. Also, it can be a she-shed/man cave. Make it a special place that you go when you want some peace and quiet. A place to be alone with your thoughts.
A mental canopy of protection is when you go to a place; metaphorically, in your mind when things are in chaos. It is when you think of certain things or places in your mind and you stay there for as long as you need or want to. It’s your place of protection from outside forces and elements. To counteract stress, picture or think about more pleasant things, and you are left feeling unbothered.
Who is Allowed?
The answer to this is truly a personal choice. You can let people who are close to you under your canopy. You may only let your family and/or pets in. Some people may be allowed to enter for a short time. Some may be allowed permanent access. Maybe no one is allowed. We all process the elements of life differently and may want the solitude. So, in this case the canopy of protection is a place to be solo. No exceptions.
Why is it needed?
The canopy of protection is necessary for many reasons. The whys will vary from person to person. It is a tool to use when you may feel overwhelmed, sad, stressed, depressed or just in a funk. The canopy of protection is there too because of the times we are faced with a difficult decision.
When do you go there?
During those times of uncertainty, ambiguity, confusion and chaos. Those are the essential times when you go to your canopy of protection. Doing so will usually provide some clarity and/or answers to those daunting questions. You will find that taking a step back and going to your canopy will bring you out in a much healthier and happier state of mind.
Even when you do not come out with a solution, you will be much more peaceful for it. You can come back to a situation with a clear mind and a new, more positive outlook.
Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 7 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 7 is the letter “E” for embrace your passion.
Embrace your Passion
Whatever you feel strong about, do it! Don’t wait. Embrace your passion and see where it takes you. Even if people try to discourage you and advise you otherwise, just go for what you know! At least if you try, you will never wonder, “what if?”. If you want to be a photographer, do it. If you want to open a food truck, do it. You cannot live life worrying about what others think. You are living and embracing your passion not theirs.
I-Infuse Good Vibes
N- Never Say Never
S- Shoot the Gift
P- Practice Patience
I- Indulge the Senses
R- Remember the Essence of Who You Are
E- Embrace Your Passion
I hope you enjoyed my mini-message series. Thank you for stopping by.
Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 6 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 6 is the letter “R” for remember the essence of who you are.
Remember the Essence of Who You Are
It can be tempting to lose ourselves in the busyness of work, home and family obligations. We must remember the essence of who we are. After all, if we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t take care of anyone else.
If you find yourself going off course, just begin again. If you have missed a few days of exercise. Start again. If you have gone off your diet, start again. Don’t feel guilty, we are only human. Give yourself a break.
People can be critical of others. So, my suggestion is not to let judgements and criticism bring you down. It is paramount that we find those things that keep us grounded and centered at our true essence. Surround yourself with people and things that inspire and not hinder or discourage. Go on an exploration and do new things that make you feel happy.
If you have a fighting spirit, don’t give up. Remember the soldier that you are. If you are a gentle, kind spirit. Remember the sweetheart that you are. Make no apologies for the person you are.
Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 5 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 5 is the letter “I” for indulge the senses.
Indulge the Senses
Take in everything around you. Draw out the positive and use it for guidance during those difficult moments.
Indulge the senses, take in your surroundings with your eyes. Watch how things move. The trees in the wind, the clouds in the sky, the sun and the moon. Watch the birds and squirrels. Watch people. Look at the beautiful brownstones.
Indulge the senses, take in the aromas. Smell that herbal tea or flavored coffee. Smell the outside air and the grass. What memories do those smells evoke? Does the grass make you think of camp as a kid growing up. Does the coffee make you feel happy, de-stressed?
Indulge the senses, hear the sounds. When you wake and hear the birds do they make you happy or are you annoyed? Those friends in flight can be noisy at times, I have to admit. 🙂 Listen to the traffic going by. Thinking about all the people moving about. Where are they going, where are they coming from? Listen to your favorite music. Where does it take you?
Indulge the senses, taste the sweetness. How sweet is a Macintosh Apple or the taste of Red Moscato? When that hot tea with lemon and honey hits the taste buds, so soothing to the throat. How about that Welch’s Grape Soda with the Sabrett Hot Dog.
Indulge the senses, feel the relaxation of a massage. Relax in a warm bath and feel the water wrap you in its warmth. Feel the softness of a throw blanket. If you are a pet owner, give them a belly or head rub. Take a walk on the beach, feel the sand. Give your loved ones a big squeeze.
Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 4 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 4 is the letter “P” for practice patience.
Patience is a virtue right? Lets try practicing patience with ourselves and others. It can be easy to demonstrate patience with others but be so hard on ourselves, at times. We are all in this world trying to navigate and we are learning every day. That is the beauty of life.
If you make a mistake, forgive yourself. It’s not the end of the world. The easier we become at forgiving ourselves, the more we can open our hearts to forgive others. When we are sitting in traffic, have patience. Just think about arriving safely. If the barista is really slow at serving up your drink order, have patience. Maybe he/she is new and trying to learn the job. We all had a first day somewhere, right?
Patience affords us the ability to keep stress away or at least lessen the effects of it. If someone accidentally steps on your sneakers, there is no reason to bring violence into it. Let’s remember to be slow to anger and quick to forgive.
Welcome to 7 days to inspire. I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 3 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 3 is the letter “S” for shoot the gift.
Shoot the Gift
If you have the gift of gab, use it. Let your natural talent be heard. Being lyrically inclined does not come easily to everyone. If you can come up with rhymes off the top of your head, show your skills. Write your poems and do not be shy about it. If you are too shy to perform your lyrical gifts in public. Do it at home, in the shower or in the mirror. Demonstrate your gift in verbal, written or both ways. Try practicing by recording your lyricism or post on your social media platform. The more you practice the more you will perfect your craft. There is so much power in words. If you possess the ability to flow with your words, consider yourself lucky. Speaking through your life helps to change lives.
Welcome to 7 days to inspire. Each day I will be sending a daily message for 7 days. Using the word inspire to motivate and uplift. Today is part 2 of the mini-message series of inspiration. Day 2 is the letter “N” for never say never.
Never Say Never
It’s never too late to pursue your dream. No matter how big or small. The key is to start. You don’t have to figure out all the details in a day. Just start. Never think you will get your dream home? Start saving and researching programs for homebuyers. Never think you will find love? It will come your way when you least expect it. That job promotion is in reach. You will make your weight loss goal. Just keep working for it and stay focused. Speak what you want into existence. Put it out there in the universe. Believe it will happen.