A part of the fun on Halloween is dressing up. What is your favorite Halloween costume? Name a costume that you have worn, and it was your favorite. It can be one that you wore during your childhood years or as an adult. You only get one day to dress up and no one is going to judge. One of the things I like is to see all the different and cute costumes that the kids wear.
Some people go all out and spend a lot of money for a costume. The options are endless. You can wear something that you already have at home or mix it up with a purchase. Some people like to just use face paint and some like the whole-body outfit. Maybe, you don’t believe in Halloween at all. Do you feel that dressing up is just for kids?
What do you like to wear on Halloween? Do you like scary costumes or cartoon characters? You can create other costumes like a witch, nurse or even an animal. I have two personal favorites. One year I was a bag lady, and the other favorite was when I dressed up like Elvira. These were both two costumes I wore as an adult. Good times were had in both of these costumes.
Can you answer this? What is your favorite Halloween costume?
It’s October 2023. Time for the trees to shed its leaves. October is also the season of Pumpkin flavors. Cooler days are ahead, grab those jackets. Fall leaves bring in October, but what else is in store? Read on to see more about October.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast Cancer affects many people. Men and women, alike. The month of October give us the chance to support those with breast cancer. We can use this time to educate ourselves about this medical condition, learn about prevention and screening. Share with our loved ones what we know and have learned. Display a pink ribbon to show your solidarity and support for breast cancer survivors and their families.
October 6- National Plus Size Appreciation Day
Does size really matter? People are people and on October 6, every year we celebrate plus size. If you wear a plus size, you need to know that you are still beautiful and just as valuable. Feel confident in your skin. The size you wear does not dictate who you are and how far you can go in life. All body types are beautiful. Today and every day, embrace your body type and smile. Look at yourself and take a moment to admire and love your body and all its curves. Love on yourself and give yourself a hug. You deserve it!
October 17 Black Poetry Day
This day is all about literature written by black people and about black culture. Discover the works of black authors by reading literature or poems by an author that you have not heard of. Different points of view will help you decide on the style of poem, stories and/or literature that speaks most to you. If you are not into reading, spoken word is another form to explore. No matter what race you are there are stories and experiences that you will love, can relate to or learn from.
Did you know? Gwendolyn Brooks was the first African American to win the Pulitzer Prize for Annie Allen.
October 18- World Menopause Day/World Menopause Month
Every woman will reach this monumental stage of life called menopause. The experience will not be the same for every woman but there are some changes that happen. A woman who is menopausal will undergo both mental and physical changes. See, It’s Hot in Here for more insight. If you are lucky, these changes will be mild. Some of the common bodily changes you will experience can include hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain and sleep disturbance. Mood swings may also occur. Please seek help from your medical doctor for any concerning and/or severe changes. There are options to help alleviate symptoms. Check out the International Menopause Society on the web, the site has useful information.
October 28 -National Chocolate Day
Excite your taste buds with some chocolate. Make a Chocolate cake or have some candy bars. Whatever your flavor; enjoy! Try a new Chocolate dessert or try a new homemade recipe. You can’t go wrong with Chocolate. You can add it to ice cream, make S’mores, dip your Strawberries in it, drizzle it on your milk shake. The possibilities are endless.
Oct 16-20- National School Bus Safety Week
Keep children safe. When a school bus is stopped, with red lights flashing and the stop sign open, stop your car! It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus! Children are either exiting or boarding the bus at this time. They may be on the opposite side of the street and need to cross in front of your car. Get off your phones, stop looking in the mirror, put the breakfast biscuit away, put down the coffee and whatever else you are doing.
October 31- H🎃lloween
The last day of the month is Halloween. If you celebrate this day, remember to be safe. If you are trick or treating, go in a group. Wear some light or reflective clothing, to easily be seen when it gets dark. Check the treat bags before letting kids have any of the goodies. Don’t forget to wear your favorite Halloween costume. You can dress up and be whoever you want to be for the day. Have fun with it.
Urban renewal on display
Brick and Mortar decay
Shiny material erected
Up, up and away
Brick and mortar are sturdy
Capable of withstanding
Winds, hurricanes and the dirty
All except, rebranding
Shiny material being built up
Adjacent to brick foundations
Once thriving now obscure
Real estate moguls on the come-up
Concrete jungles disappearing
New structures and engineering
Urban renewal on display
Scores of people and their lives astray
Working people, families now dispersed
Throughout the city, worries mount
On deaf ears their cries fall, unrehearsed
The times this has happened; too many to count
Real estate moguls, investors and the like
Padding their pockets and feeling delight
Meanwhile everyday people are being discarded
Like old shoes when they should be safeguarded
The same people running the ship
Keeping the business afloat
While you sit back on your yacht or big boat
So, who is displaying true stewardship?
Image credit: Joshua Kettle on Unsplash
Urban Renewal on Display was written in response to the picture prompt by Sadje for What Do You See?
Politics is not my thing; but the United States is. What I mean is that I am no political buff but since I do live in the US, I take note of the changing times. The land of the free and the home of the brave. The land of plentiful opportunity. The United States is such a progressive place. A place where many immigrate to for a better life.
In the years lately, I find myself scratching my head wondering why this country continues to drown in debt, homelessness is growing, housing costs are high. What about Veterans? What do they get after fighting for the people? The country is guided by old principles that are centuries old.
Fair living wages are an issue. People are striking in the auto industry and writers as well. It is a domino effect and all trickles down to affect everyone in the end. If you think for a second that it will not affect you too, wake up!
The United States of America has three requirements to be president. You must be at least 35 years of age, must be a natural born citizen of the United States, and have resided in the US for 14 years. I’m sure there are other rules to hold this seat but those are some of the basics.
Running the United States
Three points to review
Must be at least 35 years of age. Yes, this is reasonable. On the other side of things, there should be a cut off age. As humans, when we age, certain things start to decline. Health, cognitive function, etc. The older we are the less apt we will be to make certain decisions and perform certain tasks.
It’s time to shake things up and revise these rules. At the time of inauguration, Barack Obama was 47 years of age, Donald Trump was 70 years of age and the current POTUS, Joe Biden was 78. The median age should fall somewhere between 50-55 years old.
Must be a natural born citizen of the United States. Yes. Absolutely. A criteria that should be in place. It makes sense.
Must have been a resident of the United States for 14 years. Again, yes good rule. It makes sense for someone making decisions for and about the country to have lived here for over a decade. At least they will have some idea of what goes on and how things are done. They can identify the areas and opportunity for change.
Three points to consider
Age Limit. As I mentioned earlier, should there be an age limit due to the decline in functions as we age. Yes, the world is continually being ruled by older and older people. We need some middle ground with younger people, while maintaining the minimum age of 35 years.
Legal trouble. Should there be a rule about certain legal troubles? If the person in office is charged with a crime and later found guilty; are they still allowed to hold the seat of president?
Financial Crisis. How does the US run up such a tab and owe astronomical amounts of money. The trillions…We, as a country are in debt but manage to help other countries. How does that work? It’s always good to have ally countries, yes. When is the United States going to lower its debt?
Running the United States needs an overhaul. If we continually rely on antiquated principles and laws, will we ever progress? The world is changing constantly, as such, some of the laws need to be re-written and updated. The way of life centuries ago, is not the same as life today.
Spilling the tea requires no skill
It's just gossip at its best
Before you take me on this downward hill
Let me kick back and rest
The tea is a slippery slope
I can drink it black, herbal or with milk
After it goes down my throat, I'm able to cope
With the trolls and their ilk
Tea is supposed to relax and soothe
Use it to uplift the spirit and drown out the ugly
It's not meant to browbeat and bruise
Sip, sit back, kick up the heels and get snugly
Before spilling the tea, uplift me
---O'Nika McGill---
Image credit: Joni Ludlow on Unsplash
Before Spilling the Tea, Uplift Me is written in response to Sadje’s prompt.
“In the waves of change, we find our true direction.”
— Author Unknown
The one thing that we can always count on in life is change. It is inevitable. No way to escape or ignore it. Opportunity presents itself in those waves of change. We can adapt to it and make the best of it, or we can use it to find a new direction. Unfolding discoveries about life and ourselves will afford us the chance to learn what we may not have otherwise known.
Late September into early October is the time of year for recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month. The Latino and Hispanic American community has made many contributions for the betterment of America. Originally, it started out as a week-long celebration in 1968. Two decades later it became a month-long celebration, declared by President Ronald Reagan.
The reason Hispanic Heritage Month starts in the middle of September, is because it coincides with independence of countries like Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico, Chile and others.
We can see the added value in education, music, food, and the entertainment industry. The contributions by the Hispanic and Latino culture go hand-in-hand with the success of America.
This post was originally published in September 2022 on Inspire By O’Nika
September 15th is World Afro Day. Embrace those curls and natural hair. Let your coils, twists, braids, locks and afro shine. Wear your style proudly. Natural hair has a story and it is not just about the aesthetics. Although, it doesn’t hurt. It’s about much more. Think culture and history.
Black people and some people of mixed-race who wear their natural hair have faced discrimination because of their hair texture. Michelle De Leon started World Afro Day back in 2017. It is a cause to raise awareness and to educate about afro-centric hair. Society has instilled shame on people who have kinky or tight curly hair. It has long been a thing that if you had “textured” hair that you should implement some kind of straightening. Methods such as using a hot comb to straighten hair, or applying chemicals like Vigorol liquid, and relaxers are used.
These methods are harmful because there is risk of burning the scalp and skin. Not to mention, the long-term effects of the chemicals in these straightening products. Some people felt like they had to conform to societal pressures in order to get hired for a job. Also, to feel accepted.
Women from some Hispanic cultures, like the Dominican Republic also are stigmatized for having curly hair. They have faced pressures to have bone straight hair; hence the blow out styles. These blow outs use excessive heat which can have lasting damage to hair.
On World Afro Day, show your pride for afro hair. Post pictures on social media or share your hair experiences with others. The more people who understand about the afro hair culture the more will accept and embrace it. Rock those afro puffs, cornrows, box braids, afro or whatever style you wish! Because you can!
Iron or steam clothes for work the night before. Include shoes and any accessories. Getting out the door will be much easier when you already have these simple steps done. You don’t have to waste time looking for anything, it is already laid out.
Prepare your lunch the night before. Put your lunch in the bowl with anything else you need in the fridge overnight. In the morning just grab the already prepared portion and add anything else you want and go. Easy right?!
Feeling tired after work?
When you get home, before starting your home job, take a quick shower. You will get a burst of energy and be better equipped to handle your home obligations. You will have a refreshed mind to check homework, cook, and/or whatever other chores need to be done.
Need more time during the weekends?
Break up laundry duty by doing a load or two midweek. This way, when the weekend is here you will have some laundry done and have extra time to spare for more fun activities. If you are feeling really industrious, do one load a day and you may be finished with laundry by the time the weekend is here.
Going to the supermarket? Prepare a list before walking out the door. (I know this is old school). It is very helpful because you don’t forget to pick up certain items and you only get what you need. It saves time also from walking down each single aisle looking for items. On the other hand, order your groceries online. All you do is submit the order and drive to the store and have the items loaded in your vehicle. No fuss.
I hope these simple time saving tips can make your life easier. If you have some tips that you use, please share.
Do you consider yourself to be introverted or extroverted? Of course, we can be both. Do you think introverts are naturally shy people and extroverts are obnoxious?
Introverts tend to look inward and may be socially awkward. They rely heavily on internal thoughts and rarely seek outward stimuli. An escape tactic that introverts use is to let their thoughts wander. They also prefer time alone and it often gives them renewed energy. People may view introverts as withdrawn, due to their quiet nature.
Extroverts, on the other hand, are social butterflies. They thrive on social interaction and seek out social situations. They are outgoing and expressive individuals. Oftentimes, problems they may encounter are easily shaken off. Extroverts appear to be confident people.
Can you answer this? Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Sunday; a day of rest
Come dressed in your Sunday best
The doors of the church are open
Walking through the door, appreciation of token
Monday, starts the work week
Get your body and mind in gear
Walk through the door smiling
Awaiting life lessons are near
Tuesday, one workday down
Come to yoga class or meditation
The exercise will release any trepidation
about the upcoming week ahead
Wednesday, mid-week is here
Unload your cares on me
Free your body and mind
Come and talk it out
Thursday, one day away from the weekend
Tidy up any closet clutter
Bag up those old clothes
Take them to the donation center
Friday, well what else is there to say
The weekend has arrived
Come over for cocktails
We can talk and just vibe
Saturday. Thought you would never show up
Come in, take a minute to reflect
Spiritual, work, body and mental health
Aspects of cleansing and socialization
Just remember, the door is open.
Why don't you come?
The door is open. Why don't you come was first published on Inspire By O'Nika and written in response to Sadje's prompt. https://lifeafter50forwomen.com/2023/08/14/what-do-you-see-199-august-14-2023/
How do you pick between two things you want equally?
Hmm, decisions, decisions. Well, you are faced with the difficult choice of deciding which of two things you can have. Why not have them both? Sure, that’s the easy choice. But let’s consider, for a moment, that you can only have one of the two. Do you meditate on it, compare the two with pros and cons? Maybe you think of which one would last the longest or bring you more happiness. Do you take a practical stance, or do you decide to just wing it?
Lipstick, eye liner, mascara, foundation, blush. How old is your makeup? Products that we purchase and use on a daily basis do expire. We carry them around in our purses and keep them at home in the bathroom cabinet or on the dresser. Have you thought about how long you have been using that tube of mascara? Is it dried out? Does it have a different smell to it?
Stop and consider that cosmetics have a shelf life, just like groceries. Old makeup can cause a host of problems. The longer you keep the makeup the more bacteria build up is likely.
If your skin is prone to breakouts, it may be due to wearing old foundation or blush. If you develop styes on your eyelids, it might be due to eye liner or mascara. Eye makeup laden with bacteria can cause eye infections and/or pink eye (conjunctivitis).
How long to keep cosmetics
Mascara-After opening, can last from 3-6 months.
Eyeliner- After opening, 3-6 months for liquid. Pencil liners can last about a year.
Foundation- can last anywhere from 6 months to a year for liquid. Powder can last up to two years.
Lipstick-After opened can last 1-2 years.
Blush-After opening, can last up to a year.
Eyeshadow- can last up to 2 years.
Things to consider
Change your pillowcase often. Dead skin cells are just lurking on your pillowcase. Flip it over and/or shake it out every day. This will help to reduce skin breakouts or rashes.
Every night, wash makeup off. Do not sleep with makeup on your face. Sleeping with makeup on can cause clogged pores and make your face more prone to blemishes or skin redness.
When purchasing makeup. Put the date down somewhere so you know when to replace makeup after opening.
Do not share makeup.
If your mascara dries out, do not add water. Replace it with a new tube. Adding water will only help bacteria multiply. If you notice a weird smell to the mascara, it is probably time to replace it.
Clean and/or replace cosmetic brushes, sponges and applicators often. The more you open a powder foundation and apply to your face, the more bacteria can get into the case.
Most makeup tells you on the packaging how long it will last after opening. There will be a small icon on the packaging with a number followed by an M. This is a good indicator how long it will hold up after it is opened. Use this information and try to remember to replace it within that time frame.
Following these guidelines will improve our skin and help to keep it healthy. I know we cannot always remember but just stop to think about it when you are applying these cosmetics. Your skin will thank you and you will notice a difference.