Topic Words of Wisdom

Sisterhood in Mourning

Is Sisterhood a thing of the past? 
Judgements and criticism
Are the reasons I ask
Maybe it is due to stigmatism

Why not encourage and support
Things that can only uplift and empower
Let's form a coalition and abort
Foul behaviors of those who cower

At the thought of us celebrating each other
Knowing that love conquers all
Lifting sister’s up one after another
Silently they are hoping that we will brawl

Congratulate your sister, do not frown
Judge not your sister, hold your horses
Let us not divide with in-fighting, settle down
Already are we deemed unfit by outside sources

Incapable of being amicable to our kin
Women, sisters, confidant and friend
I ask again, is sisterhood a thing of the past?
Something so vital cannot come to an end

Self Awareness Topic

Risky Business of Complacency

One must not fall into complacency. It is the stuff that makes you stuck and stagnant. As humans, we are not meant to stay in the same place mentally or physically. Of course, our bodies and minds change over time with age. To be complacent means that you are self-satisfied and unaware of any deficiencies. Aloof, and smug also come to mind.

So, you can see that we must not fall into the trap. Being complacent puts us at risk. Again, risk of stagnation leaving no room for personal growth. This is not to say that once you set a goal and have obtained it that you have to continually keep setting more and more non-stop. No, just being aware that you have to work for your spot. You have to earn your position. Do not believe that your presence is all that is required.


Comfort, only, makes, people, lazy, and, creates, eternal, nonchalant, traits.

The world of today has a lot of entitlement. Some people feel that because they are popular and, on a sports team, for example, that they don’t have to do the work. Well, while they think their popularity will keep them on the team, there is someone else working up to taking their spot.

Another example is to feel that you can eat unhealthily for as long as you want because you have a thin stature. You have been lucky enough not to go into cardiac arrest due to clogged arteries. Take your health more seriously, and know that it is not a good idea to think it won’t happen to you.

Comfort is okay but only for so long. At some point, you have to intentionally do something uncomfortable. Something that you always felt that you could not do. Because if you stay in that comfort for too long, guess what comes with it? Complacency.

We are not meant to get to a certain place/time in our lives and just stop. If we happen to fall into this trap, we are missing out on many opportunities. It’s okay to pause and take breaks. Just being for the sake of being, yes.

Another analogy is when you successfully find the relationship you want. Then the things you did to attain the relationship stop once the relationship is going well. No, you must continue in order to sustain it.

How about that “diet” you started. Only to go back to those bad eating habits after you have made you weight goal. What do you think will happen next? Of course, that weight is coming back with a vengeance.

Things do not happen to or for us with little to no effort. We have to work for change and forward movement. It is only to our benefit. We cannot risk our health, hearts, body and minds to being complacent. If you feel yourself getting too comfortable, do something about it. Also remember to be kind to yourself in the process.




Overshadow was written in response to Sadje’s prompt, what do you see?

Image credit: Tom Barrett on Unsplash

Topic Words of Wisdom

I’ll Be Happy When…

I’ll Be Happy When…

 When I lose 15 pounds... 

Enjoy the journey of transformation and relish in the fact that you have the courage to make a change for your health

 When I get that promotion... 

Enjoy being a part of something for a bigger purpose.  The right opportunity will present itself when you are not looking 

 When I retire... 

Enjoy being able to sustain yourself and all the wonderful people you meet along the way 

 When I get a bigger house... 

Enjoy the amenities you have and being able to come home and close your own door having a peaceful place to lay your head 

 When I get a new car... 

Enjoy the independence of being able to get around and not having to stress about how you can move about  

 When I get a husband/wife... 

Enjoy your life and the people in it who show you love.  That husband/wife may be in your life right now, but you can’t see them with only one eye open.   

Just think about the now and all the moments that you are living in NOW.  We may never get that promotion, or bigger house or newer car.  Enjoy what you have now, tomorrow is not promised.  Be happy today!  

Image by Michaela on Pixabay

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

What it Really Means to Be a Boss

What does it mean to be a boss?  Excellent!  Outstanding! People have their own interpretation of the word.  Some people take it to the extreme.  Being a boss does not mean that you must be bossy. I know this is confusing. How can you be a boss and not be bossy?  

Easy. Being a boss means that you have a level of control and stability. You have control over your circumstances and things that you do in life. You have stability in areas of your life that are important to you. What being a boss does not mean is bossing people around. Be the adjective of a boss and not the verb.

I am speaking to women on this subject. I think the colloquial term of being a boss, has gone too far. People are taking this out of context, and it is starting to have adverse effects. When you take your Boss self and start to do ugly things to people with your words and actions, do not be confused when people steer away from you.

You do not have to be bossy to let people know that you are in control. You do not have to be bossy to prove a point that you got this! That you are your own person. The boss in you will manifest itself. Others notice this and may or may not acknowledge it.

Green check mark sign png

What a boss does

  • Loves herself
  • Says no without guilt
  • Is financially stable
  • Calls the shots
  • Has courage to ask for help

What a boss is not and/or does not do

  • Judgmental
  • Treat others badly
  • Talk down to people
  • Arrogant
  • Boastful
hands holding a placard and a megaphone

You can still be a boss, while simultaneously being a mother, wife, and sister. Please remember that you can still be outstanding and excellent without the negative undertones. Do not forget that you can still show your feminine side and call the shots. Stand your ground and be classy about it.

However, it can get lonely when you become too ambitious. A few people may fall out of your life while you are busy being a boss. Check in on people that you might not have seen or spoken to in a while. Remember that everyone needs someone.

What do you say it really means to be a boss?

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Did You Talk to Yourself Today?

Did you talk to yourself today as a reminder of how blessed you are? Tell yourself that no matter what happens you are still here. If you didn’t have the talk yet today, there is still time left.

Talk to yourself.

Diversity Topic

Women’s History Month 2024-Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Women who advocate for equity, diversity and inclusion. That is what Women’s History Month is about in 2024. Women are still having the same centuries old fight. It doesn’t make sense for it to be this way in such progressive times. But are we really living in progressive times?

“You cannot take your freedoms for granted. Just like generations who have come before you, you have to do your part to preserve and protect those freedoms.”

Michelle Obama

Let’s celebrate the women who are and have made a positive impact in the communities. Both local and afar. It takes courage and determination to answer the call to action. Forming comities, rallying together and just speaking on injustices is a great start.

March 8 is International Women’s Day. The theme this year is Inspire Inclusion.

We have women out there who have paved the way for advances we, as a country enjoy. Science, civil rights, film/theater, politics, sports, education, the arts and a plethora of disciplines is where women from all walks of life, have made their mark. Let us celebrate Ava DuVernay, Sally Ride, Serena Williams, Michelle Obama, Susan B. Anthony and a host of others.

Without their activism, and strength to pave the way, we may not have been able to accomplish some of the things we have today. Staying the course and speaking out against inequities against women must continue. We deserve to be included and treated fairly, so let’s not forget the work of those before us and the women who walk with us today on this journey.

There will be resistance to your ambition, there will be people who say to you, ‘You are out of your lane.’ They are burdened by only having the capacity to see what has always been instead of what can be.

Kamala Harris

Topic Words of Wisdom

Wake Up with a Smile

Wake up with a smile because you matter.

Yes, you matter! It doesn’t take away from who you are because you have imperfections. We all do.

Smile anyway because all humans are imperfect, living in an imperfect world.

Also, it doesn’t diminish you to lift up someone else. Especially, when you are not feeling your best. It can help lighten up your mood, by doing so.

Today and every day, wake up with a smile. Lift someone up. Embrace your imperfections.

Info Topic

Sink or Swim

Swimming is good for your joints, cardio health and overall endurance. It is an easy and fun way to help burn calories and is not very rigorous. There are many forms of swimming to learn, and it is relaxing too. If you are not one who is interested in swimming, it is a good skill to know. Why? You can save the life of someone else or your own.

Some people love swimming for the pure leisure of it and some love the competitive nature of it as well. You can enjoy the water of the river, lake, pool or ocean. Just imagine being free out there in a body of water. Swimming is also very therapeutic for some common ailments.

You might feel that it is not important to learn how to swim. Just imagine, being trapped in your car in a body of water. What do you do? You get yourself out of that car and swim to safety. If you can’t swim and there is no one there to help, well, you get the idea.

Maybe you are at the pool with your children. You see someone who fell into the pool. This is the time when you can spring into action and save that person.

Consider getting swim lessons, even if you do not want to swim for sport, just to have this life saving skill is a plus. For those who do know how to swim but haven’t in a while, refresh your skills by taking lessons. I bet there is always something new you can learn.

Drownings happen but can be prevented. This is when the phrase, sink or swim comes to mind. What do you say? Do you think swimming is a good skill to have?

Image credit: MichaelM from Pixabay

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Keep Going- Motivational Message

Keep Going

Motivational video message about perseverance. Continue on and do not give up on your dreams. Enjoy!


Come Into the Light

Come Into the Light

Come into the light
All is not lost
Life can be a conundrum
Which do you choose; fight or flight?

Come into the light
Flames are still smoldering
Calling for your attention
Release the pressures you are shouldering

Come into the light
Turn on the wick
Accept light and love
Fulfillment comes real quick

Come into the light
Whether you choose fight or flight
Flames are still smoldering
Accept light and love

Image credit: Kier in Sight Archives on Unsplash

Come into the light was written in response to the picture prompt by Sadje, What do you see # 222- January 22, 2024.

Topic Words of Wisdom

Curate Your Craft

How do you process your creative content? Do you record or write when the thought or idea strikes, or do you curate it until it is just right? Whether your craft is video, blogging or Podcasting. How do you curate your craft? The creative process is not the same for us all. That is what makes it so fun. We all have our own way of doing things. Keeps it interesting.

Which method do you most identify with?

  • The thought strikes and you jot it down right away or record content before the idea escapes. You post it quickly.
  • An idea comes to mind, you create a rough draft. Next, you let it marinate for a day or two. Then, you make a few edits and post.
  • A concept hits you like a brick. You save it and keep adding more to it, until you feel like it is just right. After compiling your data and putting it all together, it’s now day five. You finally post.
  • Or… this one is a doozy. You create your content and frame it up nicely. Publish/post it. After it is posted, you go back and make edits. So many edits, that it changes the meaning of what you were trying to say from the onset.

The examples above demonstrate how creating content can either be a quick process or a long arduous task. It really does not matter as long as you are satisfied with it in the end. Sometimes we feel like the content could have been better, longer, more precise and in-depth. It’s okay, we have other opportunities where we can do just that.

It’s called the “human condition” which makes us feel like we should change it. Make it shorter, add more to it or revamp the entire piece. As long as people enjoy watching, reading and/or listening, it’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

Enjoy the creative process. Curate your craft until your heart is content. Smile while doing it and share. You never know who will need to receive what you have put out there in the universe.


Helpful Benefits of Plants

January 10th is National Houseplant Appreciation Day. All of us do not have green thumbs but there are plants out there for everyone. Some plants require more attention than others. The basics are water and sunlight. Let’s look at the helpful benefits of plants.

Houseplant on bookshelf

Houseplants give us a sense of calm and they also produce oxygen. If you want to observe National Houseplant Appreciation Day on January 10th, start by buying a plant if you do not have any. For the plants you already have, make sure they have water and the right amount of sunlight.

You might want to spruce up the place with the purchase of an added plant for the house. Consider gifting a houseplant to someone. This also might be a good day to teach your children about growing houseplants. I will admit, I do not have a green thumb, but I take my time and go slowly with nurturing and taking care of my plants.

Health benefits include mood boosting, removing dust particles from a room, added moisture during those winter months, fragrant plants for relaxation and medicinal plants like Aloe. Also, some plants help to clean the air and make breathing easier. Simply put, adding some greenery to your space has many positive benefits.

Don’t forget to talk to your plants. You will feel better, and it will make you smile too. Plus, they look and smell nice too.


Try these varieties to get you started!

  • Money Trees-require less water and light
  • Snake Houseplant- air purifying plant
  • Aglaonema Plant-splash of color and low maintenance
  • ZZ Plant- keep this one in low light/shady areas
  • Dieffenbachia Plant- needs medium-bright light. Works well for humid areas like kitchen and/or bathroom
  • Spider Plant- easy to maintain

Add some greenery to your space at home and try your hand to find your favorite plant variety. They are great stress relievers as well. Can you see the helpful benefits of plants and all their uses?


Rock Your Skill Set

Rock Your Skill Set

A skill set is something that we each own. It is a part of what makes us who we are. No one is good at everything but there are some things that we excel at. So, the moral of the story is to rock your skill set.

The things that you are good at, use those things. You know how the saying goes, “use it or lose it”. The same applies here. We were gifted these gifts so that we can hone them and put them to use.

Public Speaking

Public speaking is a skill set. If you feel comfortable and, in your element, when speaking to a crowd/group, do more of that. If you get a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that you have helped someone with the message you are bringing, expound on that. Everyone cannot get up in front of a crowd to say one sentence. It is harder than you think. Do not discount this skill.

Oppurtunites for public speaking are available. Through volunteering, networking and business events, politics and education, these skills are very useful. Children can always benefit from hearing sage advice and soaking up useful information. Information that they can take with them and apply in today’s world. Information that will make them stop and think first about their actions and the consequences.

Listening Skills

Listening skills. Believe it or not it is difficult to be a good listener. Some of us are only interested in what we have to say and not what the other person is saying. It requires patience and constraint to not jump in while the other person is talking. You have to concentrate on what you are hearing and comprehend, understand and process before you iterate your next thought. Listen to understand and not just to hear.

Animal Lover

Love animals? If you love animals, a career at a veterinary clinic may be just for you. Maybe you want to be a pet sitter or dog walker. The animal shelters always have fur babies who need a good home. Consider adopting one of them.

Helping People

Helping people complete tasks is another area that you can explore. The elderly or others who are incapacitated may need help with everyday chores. You can explore a career in customer service or nursing. So many options exist for you to shine and do what you love.

It is a new year, and we can begin again. Do the things we haven’t done in a while. If you are short on time, consider volunteering for something that fits your schedule. No matter what your skill set is, you possess it for a reason. Use it.

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

The Season for Celebration

The Season for Celebration

**1/7/24 post updated: The Hannukah celebration by the Jewish community is not widely celebrated due to security reasons. The current state of affairs of the war, in no way is meant to imply that the Jewish community is the cause. My sincerest apologies to every and anyone who may have been offended. **

The time of year is here. The season of celebration, thankfulness, giving, family and reflection. We have all heard of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Kwanzaa. Among those, people also celebrate Diwali and Three Kings Day. I know there are other celebrations being had across the world. Hannukah is a celebration by the Jewish community. Unfortunately, due to the current state of war these may not be celebrated as widely, because of security reasons.

The point I am getting to, is that no matter what part of the country you live, we all have something to celebrate and be thankful for. The world is not perfect but we can all find at least one thing that is worthy of celebration.


Family is a reason to be thankful. We do not always see eye-to-eye and agree on things, but family is a good reason to be thankful. Maybe, this time of year family can bury the hatchet and squash old beefs in the name of renewal for the new year. Release the weight and be free from the hold. You will feel so much better and be glad that you did.


Celebrate health. If you are ambulatory and have full use of your limbs, celebrate that. You might be thinking, so what that’s nothing to celebrate. Just think if you couldn’t walk on your own. Having to depend on others to do for you. You will appreciate the use of those legs to drive a car, go to work, play with your small children. Taking a walk or even exercising.


Love is a reason to celebrate. If you are coupled up, whether you are married or have a boo. Celebrate that love. Whatever that thing is that brought you together, reflect on it and celebrate in your own way.

The Season for Celebration

Every culture has their holiday rituals and traditions. If you are not in a celebratory mood, try to get out of that funk. It won’t be easy but find a reason to smile. If you haven’t been practicing your religion, go back to that. If you haven’t talked to your friends/family in a while, do that. The things that bring a smile to your face and make you feel good inside, revisit that.


Let me not forget the season for giving. It is not always about money. Give someone a smile or a compliment. If someone asks for your advice, give them true and sound advice. Hug yourself and say something nice. If you do participate in giving for the holiday season, give with a whole heart and not expect anything in return.