Topic Words of Wisdom

Thick Skin in the Creative Process

Thick Skin in the Creative Process

Thick skin in the creative process refers to your ability to let certain comments roll off your back. How you manage being judged on your creative work and/or projects. Especially when the comments are unfavorable.

Creative Pursuits

Creating something artful whether it be authoring a book, singing a song or performing a dance and sharing it is putting yourself out there. It is such a rewarding experience. No matter the way it turns out in the end, the sheer experience is life altering. Being in the public eye leaves you open to scrutiny. You will have people who like and support what you do and others who will not. Please understand that everyone will not have the same feelings and/or opinions as you.

I want you to be aware that with those supporters come people on the other end of the spectrum. Both are equally important. The supporters should be appreciated and thanked for their support. Please let them know that you are grateful for their support. For the ones who dislike your creative pursuits, just know that it comes with the territory. You have to take the good with the bad.

Keep your focus on the supporters but also be aware of the ones who are not a fan of your work. The reason is that you can use the unfavorable comments, reviews or thumbs down to your advantage. It may inspire you to add a different element to your next project. Maybe you can take that feedback and incorporate something new into your next book, post, song or art piece. Turn that negative feedback into a positive.

Be Inspired

Please remember that you cannot let those comments get into your head. The moment you do, you are done! Done! Because now the doubt, uncertainty and insecurities come out and you might think about quitting. It can be hurtful because you poured your heart and soul into it and then to have someone say something negative. Wow, what a blow. You know that you worked hard and did your best. Dotted your i’s and crossed your t’s. Rehearsed and proofread. You are satisfied with the end result, only to see that one negative comment/review.

What about the 10 positive ones? Do not forget about those. Focus on those but also keep note of that one because you can use that. Instead use that feedback to your advantage. Be aware of it but do not let it consume you. The love and support received from your work is motivating, it makes you smile and also keeps you on your toes. The universe is waiting for your next installment. The love and support outshine all else.

Think about it this way. You have a child and that’s your baby no matter what. No matter how old our children get, they will always be our baby. You better not say anything bad about our children, right. So, your creative project is similar in that aspect. It’s your baby, you love your baby and put work into it. To only have someone say something negative. Does that mean that you will stop loving your baby? Of course not. You get where I’m going with this?


Keep creating, keep pushing forward. Remember that the creative process is great, in that it teaches us, and we learn a lot from it. So many good things come out of it. It is therapy for some, hobbies for others, career driven too. No matter the reason, never stop believing in yourself. Continue on and let the thick skin in the creative process be your guiding light.

Thank you for reading ❣🙏

Image credit: Image by ShonEjai from Pixabay

Topic Words of Wisdom

Interpret this Quote

“Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.”

L.M. Montgomery

Trying is the first step to discovery. Discovering your potential and finding out what is possible. Of course, in trying things in life we set out to win. Life does not always work out that way.

Failure, on the other hand is such a great teacher. When we fail at things, we learn how not to do something on the next try. Failing is one of the best ways to learn. It gives us another opportunity at our pursuits in life. We have the chance to rethink and redo our previous attempts.

Winning is what comes out of our previous failed attempts. If we always win, what will we ever learn or how will we ever grow?

Hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading!

Topic Words of Wisdom

Just Because

Question, why?

August 27th is National Just Because Day. It is day to switch it up and do things, just because. Random acts of kindness are one way to celebrate this day. Do something out of the norm. Be spontaneous. You call the shots. It is a few days away, so put your thinking cap on and come up with things to do on this day.

  • Send a nice gift or a card to a loved one.
  • Pay it forward by paying for someone in the line either ahead or behind you.
  • Treat yourself to something nice that you have been eyeing for a while.
  • Call a friend or family member just to say hello and see how they are doing.
  • Spread the word on social media. Let people know about this special day and many people can get in on it. The more the merrier.
  • Bake a cake from the box mix if you have a sweet tooth. Remember as a child, licking the bowl of batter mix 🙂
  • Wear mixed matched socks.

You get the idea of what this day is all about. So, make it fun and do something just because. Don’t overthink it and do something without any rhyme or reason. You have a few days to plan something if that is what you want to do or just free style it and do what comes to mind on Tuesday, 27th of August.

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

How Are You? Awareness Recap

How Are You? Awareness Recap

Do you ever stop to check in on yourself? Really think about how you are feeling. The video message highlights a few points to really get you thinking about how to be optimistic and look on the brighter side of things.

As always, thank you for watching! Stay well and be blessed!

Info Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Healing the Inside-Video Message

Healing the Inside-Video Message

Thank you for stopping by to read and watch. Stay well and be blessed.

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Nappy and Happy; a Renewed Perspective

Nappy and Happy; a Renewed Perspective

Photo by SUNDAY II SUNDAY on Unsplash

Nappy and happy; a renewed perspective describes the sentiments of better health and vitality. The crown, better known as our hair, is something that most women pride themselves about. It is a part of who we are and our identity. Arguably, too much emphasis is sometimes put on hair. Depending on your heritage and upbringing you may agree or disagree on this subject.

Putting hair over health is something that happens often but no one acknowledges that fact. Personally, I have seen many times that physical health/self-care takes a back seat due to not wanting to “sweat one’s hair out”. Sweating your hair out, is not welcome because you invest a lot of money and time into your hair. Why then would you risk messing it up with sweat from physical activity? You know, the kind of activity that is essential to long life and health. Why on earth would anyone want to do that? Crazy right?

Renewed Perspective

If you are someone who has decided to incorporate more physical activity and exercise into your life, you understand the benefits of doing so. Being healthy, feeling good, getting in shape and knowing that exercise/physical self-care is important is a hard pill to swallow for some. The healthier you become the happier you are too.

Personally, I have begun to make self-care a priority, instead of an option. Inconsistency with exercise was the road I travelled. Knowing that life is short, and I have no idea how long I have to be on earth is why I can say that I am nappy and happy. Of course, you can get hair styles that are more friendly with working out and are easy to maintain. For me, I would rather have improved health and vitality than great hair and bad health.

What is your take on great hair versus bad health? Do you feel that we can only have one over the other or both great hair and great health? How do you take care of your crown while maintaining good health?

Topic Words of Wisdom

Diverse and Beautifully Made

Diverse and Beautifully Made

Diverse and beautifully made with 
Blemishes that confirm your true existence
Extravagance with your style of dress
Authenticity in the way you deliver grace
Unapologetic in your conviction for life
Thoughtful when expressing strong opinions
Intentional in your approach to love and kindness
Flawed only to those who do not understand you
Unique in your lens to the world
Lavishly, loving life and doing it all with a smile
Diverse and beautifully made, that's you, with all
These colorful qualities wrapped into one

Image credit: Tom Barrett on Unsplash

Diverse and Beautifully Made is written in response to the prompt by Sadje, What do you see #243

Topic Words of Wisdom

Quote of the Day-Life

✴︎ Life is a Gift

“Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment that you are in.

Author Unknown

Topic Words of Wisdom

Choose Love and Drop the Ills

Choose Love and Drop the Ills

If you are ready to drop some ill talk or action on someone, stop and drop some good will or cheer instead. For example, if you are about to say something foul to someone, especially someone that you love or who loves you. Stop and say something nice instead. It can be so easy to take those closest to you for granted. Those closest to us, sometimes do not get the best of us. This is because we figure, I see this person on a daily basis, so I do not have to be on my best behavior or give my all.

If you are going to say something that you know is hurtful to your loved one, give a complement instead. Forget about the argument you just had. Let it be. After you have decided to say something nice and complementary, it will make the other person feel good and you will feel better as well. Try it. What do you have to lose? Ok, I will tell you. By saying something positive about someone, you lose stress and anxiety. Ill feelings that increase cortisol in our bodies. You want to release dopamine and endorphins, the feel-good hormones.

Lose the negativity and grudge feelings. Love rules over everything. Be slow to anger and quick to love. Becoming angry is so easy and that is exactly why we must challenge ourselves. Embrace love and forgiveness.

Topic Words of Wisdom

Luminous Ones

Luminous ones
Flying high above
Breath escaping lungs
Beautiful, beautiful belove

Spreading light into the dark
Shards of lightness lend a spark
To an otherwise blind sky
Your brightness leading the eye

Helping to make things clear
Letting the night lift the fear
Accompanying the moon, you are near
When the sun goes down, luminous ones appear

The night no longer scary
Look up and you discover
Concerns of danger are nary
No longer lurking, no room to hover

Luminous ones, luminous ones
So dear to me, flying so light and free
Teaching many to see the bright side
It’s always there, use your cre a ti vi ty

Luminous Ones is written in response to Sadje’s picture prompt.

Image credit: Leon Contreras on Unsplash

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

10 Reasons to Say, Thank You

10 Reasons to Say, Thank You

The words thank you come with so much gratitude and humility. Two words that are often overlooked and underused. I have found 10 reasons to say thank you.

10 reasons to say, thank you are:

Opening your eyes in the morning- you are able to live and see a new day

When someone holds the door open for you- it shows that there are
still courteous people out there

Receiving a compliment- the kind words may have been
just what you needed that day

Reaching into the refrigerator and finding something for
nourishment- a simple pleasure of life often taken for granted

When you really need someone to talk to and they answer the phone- you can now discuss what is on your mind and gain some valuable insight

When you have a reason to smile- life is short, relish those

Having a friendly person who is willing to lend a listening ear-you can now vent and get something off your chest instead of internalizing it

When you have someone to share your life with- companionship is
very valuable and should not be taken lightly

Finding comfort in those closest to you- it is nice to have someone who can comfort you just by simply being in their presence

When you can find laughter even during those difficult times-
these are the times when laughter is the best medicine

I don’t know about you, but I can keep going with the list. How many more reasons can you come up with? Personalize the list and add to it or take some things away. Use it on a daily basis. Choose the ones that are most important to you.

As always, thank you for reading.

Topic Words of Wisdom

Sisterhood in Mourning

Is Sisterhood a thing of the past? 
Judgements and criticism
Are the reasons I ask
Maybe it is due to stigmatism

Why not encourage and support
Things that can only uplift and empower
Let's form a coalition and abort
Foul behaviors of those who cower

At the thought of us celebrating each other
Knowing that love conquers all
Lifting sister’s up one after another
Silently they are hoping that we will brawl

Congratulate your sister, do not frown
Judge not your sister, hold your horses
Let us not divide with in-fighting, settle down
Already are we deemed unfit by outside sources

Incapable of being amicable to our kin
Women, sisters, confidant and friend
I ask again, is sisterhood a thing of the past?
Something so vital cannot come to an end

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

Do Not Let It In

Do Not Let It In

Do not let it in
When you hear something scurrying about 
It is so tempting to open the door to investigate
Only to discover when you do
It is none other but the horned figure

The horned figure who is a chameleon
Disguising itself as something other
Other than the green-eyed bandit
Just lying in wait ready to use their pointer

The pointer to out everyone but themselves
When eyes are turned their way
They start to retreat and hide away in the shadow
Voice drops from 3 octaves down to one

One day they are dressed as a psychic
The next as a black belt in karate
Wonder what they will be the next time you see them
Maybe that same horned figure in dirty crocodile shoes

It can be tempting but don’t answer the door
Once the door is open the urge is hard to resist slamming it shut
Let the horned figure stay busy trying to get in
For they have nothing else to do

Do not let it in


Image by David Senior from Pixabay

Topic Words of Wisdom

I’ll Be Happy When…

I’ll Be Happy When…

 When I lose 15 pounds... 

Enjoy the journey of transformation and relish in the fact that you have the courage to make a change for your health

 When I get that promotion... 

Enjoy being a part of something for a bigger purpose.  The right opportunity will present itself when you are not looking 

 When I retire... 

Enjoy being able to sustain yourself and all the wonderful people you meet along the way 

 When I get a bigger house... 

Enjoy the amenities you have and being able to come home and close your own door having a peaceful place to lay your head 

 When I get a new car... 

Enjoy the independence of being able to get around and not having to stress about how you can move about  

 When I get a husband/wife... 

Enjoy your life and the people in it who show you love.  That husband/wife may be in your life right now, but you can’t see them with only one eye open.   

Just think about the now and all the moments that you are living in NOW.  We may never get that promotion, or bigger house or newer car.  Enjoy what you have now, tomorrow is not promised.  Be happy today!  

Image by Michaela on Pixabay

Self Awareness Topic Words of Wisdom

What it Really Means to Be a Boss

What does it mean to be a boss?  Excellent!  Outstanding! People have their own interpretation of the word.  Some people take it to the extreme.  Being a boss does not mean that you must be bossy. I know this is confusing. How can you be a boss and not be bossy?  

Easy. Being a boss means that you have a level of control and stability. You have control over your circumstances and things that you do in life. You have stability in areas of your life that are important to you. What being a boss does not mean is bossing people around. Be the adjective of a boss and not the verb.

I am speaking to women on this subject. I think the colloquial term of being a boss, has gone too far. People are taking this out of context, and it is starting to have adverse effects. When you take your Boss self and start to do ugly things to people with your words and actions, do not be confused when people steer away from you.

You do not have to be bossy to let people know that you are in control. You do not have to be bossy to prove a point that you got this! That you are your own person. The boss in you will manifest itself. Others notice this and may or may not acknowledge it.

Green check mark sign png

What a boss does

  • Loves herself
  • Says no without guilt
  • Is financially stable
  • Calls the shots
  • Has courage to ask for help

What a boss is not and/or does not do

  • Judgmental
  • Treat others badly
  • Talk down to people
  • Arrogant
  • Boastful
hands holding a placard and a megaphone

You can still be a boss, while simultaneously being a mother, wife, and sister. Please remember that you can still be outstanding and excellent without the negative undertones. Do not forget that you can still show your feminine side and call the shots. Stand your ground and be classy about it.

However, it can get lonely when you become too ambitious. A few people may fall out of your life while you are busy being a boss. Check in on people that you might not have seen or spoken to in a while. Remember that everyone needs someone.

What do you say it really means to be a boss?