Thick Skin in the Creative Process

Thick skin in the creative process refers to your ability to let certain comments roll off your back. How you manage being judged on your creative work and/or projects. Especially when the comments are unfavorable.
Creative Pursuits
Creating something artful whether it be authoring a book, singing a song or performing a dance and sharing it is putting yourself out there. It is such a rewarding experience. No matter the way it turns out in the end, the sheer experience is life altering. Being in the public eye leaves you open to scrutiny. You will have people who like and support what you do and others who will not. Please understand that everyone will not have the same feelings and/or opinions as you.
I want you to be aware that with those supporters come people on the other end of the spectrum. Both are equally important. The supporters should be appreciated and thanked for their support. Please let them know that you are grateful for their support. For the ones who dislike your creative pursuits, just know that it comes with the territory. You have to take the good with the bad.
Keep your focus on the supporters but also be aware of the ones who are not a fan of your work. The reason is that you can use the unfavorable comments, reviews or thumbs down to your advantage. It may inspire you to add a different element to your next project. Maybe you can take that feedback and incorporate something new into your next book, post, song or art piece. Turn that negative feedback into a positive.
Be Inspired
Please remember that you cannot let those comments get into your head. The moment you do, you are done! Done! Because now the doubt, uncertainty and insecurities come out and you might think about quitting. It can be hurtful because you poured your heart and soul into it and then to have someone say something negative. Wow, what a blow. You know that you worked hard and did your best. Dotted your i’s and crossed your t’s. Rehearsed and proofread. You are satisfied with the end result, only to see that one negative comment/review.
What about the 10 positive ones? Do not forget about those. Focus on those but also keep note of that one because you can use that. Instead use that feedback to your advantage. Be aware of it but do not let it consume you. The love and support received from your work is motivating, it makes you smile and also keeps you on your toes. The universe is waiting for your next installment. The love and support outshine all else.
Think about it this way. You have a child and that’s your baby no matter what. No matter how old our children get, they will always be our baby. You better not say anything bad about our children, right. So, your creative project is similar in that aspect. It’s your baby, you love your baby and put work into it. To only have someone say something negative. Does that mean that you will stop loving your baby? Of course not. You get where I’m going with this?
Keep creating, keep pushing forward. Remember that the creative process is great, in that it teaches us, and we learn a lot from it. So many good things come out of it. It is therapy for some, hobbies for others, career driven too. No matter the reason, never stop believing in yourself. Continue on and let the thick skin in the creative process be your guiding light.
Thank you for reading ❣🙏